Puppy In Training

Start from the beginning

"I hear you." I nod, taking one last glance behind me to the hallway.

"I am going to get some air." Karen drops her hands from my arm as I make my way to the door, not missing Sharon lifting and pointing to her drink, grabbing my coat and purse on the way.

"Don't murder her, she is still technically our friend. Right?" I chuckle as I look over at an uncertain Sharon.

"We shall see." With that I leave the apartment heading outside and taking a deep breath in, the cold air filling my lungs.

"Get in the fucking car." My head whips around at the voice, seeing Natasha holding open the car door and motioning for Yelena to get in and before I can even think about doing so my feet move in their direction.

"Oh wow, so you came out here to have a go at me too?" I raise my brow, crossing my arms over and tilt my head as Yelena scoffs at me.

"Actually I came out here to get some air but the universe has handed me an opportunity I thought I was going to have to wait for." Yelena shakes her head, turning away from me and moving to get in the car.

"No." Natasha moves to stand in front of the open door and Yelena lets out a laugh.

"Wow so you want me in the car but you stop me from getting in. Are you stupid sestra, I need to be able to get in the car to be - you know - in the car."

"That was before Wanda was here and before you so rudely spoke to her. You guys are friends, she has known you for years Yelena. Ever since the first time she came around after we made acquaintances at work. Don't pretend all those years mean nothing. So no, you will not get into the car until you hear Wanda out."

"I don't want to hear how she is upset with me over an argument with her girlfriend, so if you don't mind moving so I can get in the car. The quicker I get in the quicker we can go home."

"We are not going home."


"Not until you hear what Wanda has to say." Yelena sighs at her sister's ultimatum, but slowly turns to me looking rather ... bored.

"Go ahead, tell me how upset you are with me. How you want me to apologise to your fragile girlfriend so we can all be friends again." My jaw locks as I run my tongue along the front of my teeth holding back a little when I speak.

"I am upset with you. I am angry. I am confused. But I am also disappointed. Mostly angry, but also so disappointed." I don't shout it, not wanting to attract attention from the public around us but I know Yelena has heard it when I see her face drop.

"I want to go home." Yelena turns back to Natasha who has got a straight face, her features giving nothing away to how she may be feeling apart from the slight twitch on the corner of her eye.

"And I want you to grow the fuck up, but I guess we can't all get what we want." I don't let my surprise show at Natasha's venomous words, watching as hurt crosses Yelena's features.

"I don't have to deal with this. I guess I will get an uber home or something." Yelena is quick to turn around and try to walk away but Natasha is quicker, her hand grabbing her wrist.

"Stop acting like a fucking child Yelena. You are 22 years old, not 5. Grow the fuck up and stop being so stubborn." Yelena looks down to the ground at her sister's words, kicking her shoes against the pavement, Natasha's last few words laced with her Russian accent. She must be just as angry as me, if not more. "I am so mad Yelena, thinking you can act like that and say those things to someone. Especially Y/n. How do you think mama, or papa would feel if they heard their daughter saying such vile things?"

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