Chapter 59: Knight Ceremony

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"I aint no snitch so I'll here you out. I promise I won't tell anyone else as long as you tell me everything and keep that shit 100% truthful. I'll even tell you this in good faith. If you don't get your shit together soon, and I mean really soon, you will definitely be getting kicked out of Beacon or at least de-ranked all the way down to the bottom."

The blonde seemed to chuckle a bit at the idea, "yeah, I figured as much. Alright, I'll tell you what happened, but I'll keep it kinda brief since I doubt you want to hear the specifics." (Y/N) nodded at the idea and gave Jaune the floor to speak. 

"Basically, at home I wasn't really worth much at least in comparison to any of my siblings. I'm the youngest out of eight siblings and I also only have sisters so its just me and seven other girls. My sisters are really strong and outgoing, pretty much just everything that I'm not." 

"I don't really know why but my parents kinda just expected a lot from me in pretty much everything that I did, so every time I did anything I was just compared to any of my sisters. It was always 'oh, you know Emm would've gotten an A on that test' or 'Sauyrha can unload the whole truck in one go', you know shit like that." 

"So, I guess I kinda just got irritated with it and decided to do something that none of my Sisters ever attempted to do, which was becoming a Huntsman. When I told my mom and dad that I wanted to become a Huntsman they were extremely happy about it and they told me about our family history of being great Huntsman, and they also gave me this" he said as he motioned to his sheathed sword.

"It's apparently one of my ancestors weapons that they used during the great war, and it was the gift that they gave me when I saddled up to go to Signal Academy. But by the time I entered the school I was already 18 and had zero training, so when I arrived, I got my ass handed to me all day, every day for an entire year." 

"I wanted to go back home but I was afraid that my parents would be disappointed in me again, but I also didn't want to go through the embarrassment of being a 19-year-old student getting his ass beat constantly by people half a decade younger than me, so I asked a favor of one of the staff members that my parents told me to go to if I ever needed anything at all." 

"I still don't really know why but I think it might be a family debt that he owed, either way when I asked him if he could somehow get me into Beacon, he got irritated but still obliged my request. However, when we were forging the transcripts and he asked me what Rank I wanted to get into, I guess I got a little bit carried away with delusions of grandeur, because when he asked me, I said S-Rank."

He took a light pause before continuing, "looking back on it I didn't think he would do it, but when I got that message on my Scroll with the admission letter attached, I got so happy. Honestly it was probably the happiest day of my life. I told my parents, and they were ecstatic, they told my sisters, and they were even happier for me, so everyone in the family came home for the summer to celebrate my admission." 

"At this point I was still so high on the admission that I dismissed the fact that I didn't earn any of this, and I just enjoyed the part and the sendoff that I received from my family. Once I got here, I finally came down for a bit and I finally thought about the fact that I wasn't supposed to be here, but I dismissed it again and figured that it'd be different this time, somehow. You should pretty much know the rest I think."

The two of them sat in silence for a moment before (Y/N) said, "was the Ursa the first time you ever fought a Grimm?"

The depression seemed to hit him even harder than before as he sunk deeper into his seat, "yup it was. When I saw it, I froze, I was scarred shitless honestly, and then when I saw that girl decapitate it in a single slice it dawned on me how outclassed I really am here. I kinda just passed out after that." They sat in silence for a bit longer as Jaune tried to find the words to express what he was feeling. 

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