"Not always, but the most he can yes," she nods. "He put me on birth control right after we first had sex which is about a week when I first came here. I was just like you," she explains. "I had no experience with anything to do with the real world and Zayn and I ended up really caring about each other, and we fell in love you can say but we hide that, we care about each other but we don't show it. However, I don't care if he sells me because I know almost everyone here,"

"You only know people because you've slept with them," I cringe and shake my head.

"That's not true," she shakes her head. "Zayn has saved me from many guys trying to assault me, I have him to thank,"

I shake my head. "Why do you think Louis has you?"

"I said before, he has me here to clean for him, that's what he told me,"

She shakes her head. "You're here, for the same reason I came to Zayn, so Louis can make money off of you,"

I widen my eyes. "W—What?" I breathe out.

"He's gonna have to sell you to someone one day, and you can't say or do anything about it," she says.

I shake my head. "Louis wouldn't do that,"

"Only cause he doesn't want you to fuck anyone but him, I would know,"

"How would you even know that?"

"Because, I know Louis,"

"Do you love him? Like you said?"

"I don't love Louis," she shakes her head. "I may have a little bit of a crush, but that's it,"

"You have a crush on Louis?"

"You can't tell me he's not sexy," she shakes her head. "You're actually the only one I've told as well...so...don't tell anyone," she said and I shake my head. "But he's so...ugh, sexy," she whines and it makes me widen my eyes.

"You telling me I'm his sex slave changes my mind," I huff.

"Well, be careful because you might get sold to anyone and he's not gonna let you embarrass him, so you can't cause a scene,"

"And I suppose you control me?"

"Fine, get yourself killed. This is the real world London, don't mess with it because you're not gonna win," she says and I gulp. "I've been here longer than you, I know the people that live here, I know how everything works, so you don't have to listen, but don't say make me say I told you so,"

I guess my attitude really gets the best if me all the time because I can't even have a conversation without making everything a big deal and it annoys me and I'm the one doing it.

I know she's been here for a long time and I know I should be listening to her because I know she knows how this world works and I don't, but Louis wouldn't do that. Right?

The door opens and they both come in and Zayn stares at Erin and Louis stares at me. I open my mouth to say something to him, a curse, a comment, anything but I couldn't.

He grabs me and pulls me away from Erin and into him and I wanted to pull away because he's not what I thought only because Erin told me. "What's wrong?" she asks and Louis holds me against him, his arms wrapping around him and I hold my arms between us.

Zayn walks up to her and kisses her which makes me widen my eyes at it and Louis steps me out of the room. "What are you—" I try to say.

His hand clamps over my mouth. "Don't say anything," he whispers to the point where I lip read because it was so soft. And I don't know why, but having to stay silent made me shake. And strangely enough, having Louis next to me, calmed me down only a fraction,

hostage || l.t ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora