All of a sudden, there was a pink flash before your eyes, and dust rose from where Minerva crashed down.

Deadpanning, you noted, "You just had to be extra with that entrance, didn't you?"

With a red hue on her cheeks, Minerva pointed at you and shouted, "You're too insensitive! You ask the wrong questions and say whatever comes to mind, and now I'm angry! I'm also super happy that Echidna let us talk to Emilia yesterday, because she really wanted to meet all of us!"

"Minerva," Echidna called in a soft voice.

"What is it!?"

With a calm tone that was laced with tension, Echidna replied, "Stay out of what is not your business. Just because you are driven to help everybody does not require you to butt in whenever you feel the need to do so. In fact, you are the insensitive one for taking the conversation away from me."

As Minerva teared up from what was presumably anger, another voice made itself heard as it sighed. "You're not wrong," *sigh* "Echidna, but" *sigh* "you need to be nicer."

From a short distance to your left, Sekhmet, the Witch of Sloth, appeared. She was laying down on the ground, with an arm lazily propping up her head. As usual, even the act of breathing seemed to be a chore for her.

When the fourth Witch appeared, Typhon clapped. "Yay! Everyone is getting back together again so soon! We should do this every day!"

"Hmmm. I'm not sure about that, Tyu Tyu."

Right behind Typhon, a large, black coffin that had purple legs protruding from the bottom appeared. Inside of it was a small girl who was restrained by purple chains and blindfolded by a black cloth. This was Daphne, the Witch of Gluttony.

She licked her lips, displaying the sharp teeth that hid beneath them. "If we meet every day, I might go crazy with hunger!"

As more and more Witches appeared, you began counting on your fingers. "Ok, so five of you are here now. That means that we're just missing Carmilla and... yeah, I don't think that Satella will show up today." After glancing at Echidna, you added, "Or any day, if you have anything to say about it."

Right on cue, there was a stutter that came from next to you. "S-Satella-chan i-isn't a bad person... I-It's just that s-she isn't c-completely in c-control."

"Tsk," Echidna sneered, losing some of her cool. "If she would not have tried to go save the world, she would not have destroyed it."

"No!" Minerva asserted. "She tried to do the right thing, and you know that she never meant to do those bad things! Isn't that the same as a lot of us here!? That includes both me and you, so don't go arguing about that point!"

"Umm..." you interrupted, completely left out of whatever was going on here.

All of the Witches suddenly stopped and looked (or in Daphne's case, turned) toward you, and they all stopped talking.

With a lost expression, you started talking since you had everyone's attention. "I don't know what any of you are talking about, so can I have some context here?"

"Not yet," Echidna firmly stated. "I promised you that I would tell you about this one day, but that day has not come yet."

You sighed as you shrugged. "Oh well. I guess that I'll have to wait until I've started to figure all of that out on my own before you tell me anything."

"You must be starving for some information right now, (Y/N)-(N)!" Daphne growled as she licked her lips, her coffin scooting towards Echidna's tea table. 

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