"Ding-Dong! Asad! Can I come in? There's something the heads of the company would like to discuss about, in personal terms. Which is us, basically." Came the annoying sing-song voice of Yahya accompanied by a sinister snicker. I signed on the papers in front of me and sighing, ushered him in with my fingers. Guess he was not alone! What personal now?!

A graceful, heavenly lady stepped inside my cabin with him. Wrapped in a light colored scarf, my gaze stowed on her radiating face, before I haphazardly shifted it to his smirking one. Infuriating little piece of tamarind! Akhi, why you do this to me?!

"Meet Ms. Dana Shareef. She's signed up for the post of Personal Assis -" her silvery voice cut him out.

"No, I didn't! I registered myself for the Management team. You brou -" His loud clatter stopped her midway when his exasperating self resumed.

"Ms. Shareef. I find you much more capable than simply working your talent on a managing or directing team. You will directly work under my brother, Asad Emami and, In Shaa Allah, emerge as a successful young woman." He completed with a brotherly-affectionate-creepy grin towards her and beamed at me.

"But, Mr. Yahya. I don't know anything about this job, my expertise is something else." She asserted with a hint of irritation and savagery, trying to get out of this. Even though it was lowly mumbled, I apprehended it as 'You don't expect me to me to be a minion of your dumb Brother!'.

But, Akhi being himself cried out "What is so wrong with the deal Ms. Shareef? This guy won't even open his mouth in front of you. You don't have to be intimidated by him." She lightly scoffed at that.

"Mr. Emami elder, I'm not cowed by working with anyone. My only reason is that in discomfited in being alone with a male species." Her confident, and slightly sarcastic voice boomed in the walls of something that was mine.

"Ms. Shareef, trust me on this, will you? As your senior, In Shaa Allah, you will find this to be the right place to operate." She looked at him with those big brown orbs trying to discern his ulterior motive and calculating her decision.

"Yahya, this is not how Human Resources department works. Last time I checked, we were a highly professional company, not hiring people on basis of trust. So, let the woman be where she was opted as an employee and kindly, take your leave." His daring manoeuver had penetrated well through my neurons.I knew why he's doing this! He just wants to pair me up with her.

⑇ ⑇ ⑇ ⑇⑇ ⑇ ⑇ ⑇

"Yes, Mom. I'm fine. Yes, I got accepted in their firm, but not as a Marketing manager. Mr. Yahya Emami appointed me as a PA to his brother."


"I tried to explain it to him that I'm not comfortable, and these were Haram premises but the narcissistic...uh, strange man, I mean, forced me into his brother's office. The other guy just kept staring at me, and I was like drop it down, bruh! Yeah, I guess, I'll cope with it. Maybe, he won't turn out to be a gross sicko. Let's just pray, that he won't!"


"For some reason Mom, this looks it it was not a decision those two agreed on, but whatever it was I'm the sufferer here. No, Mom. They'll give me the appropriate pay, in complete accordance with the law. They're the Emami's. I mean, they are equally weird. The elder one is fishy and the younger one is sort of unnerving. Mom, pray that the Lord helps me."


"Yeah Mom, don't worry, I'll have my lunch. Take care and tell Appi to stay for just one more day. Bye, love ya!"

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