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Chapter: 95.

A few minutes passed by when there was another knock at the door. "Come in," He called out after only a few seconds. The door opened revealing a smiling Mr. Blackadder.

"Good evening!" He greeted enthusiastically.

"Thank you for coming on such quick notice." Michael greeted the man politely before pouring some scotch for their guest as well. Mr. Blackadder sat silently for a second, taking in the view in front of him as he drank slowly. "I hope you traveled well?" Michael continued once the older man had finished his drink and set his glass aside.

Mr. Blackadder nodded his head. "Thank you, yes." He replied before taking in another deep breath, letting the air out slowly. Silence once again hung between them.

"Would you like some food?" Matthew asked, gesturing to the table that held a variety of dishes including sandwiches and fruits.

Mr. Blackadder smiled, "Oh no thank you, sir, I eat too often these days." He commented with a grin plastered onto his features. Michael shrugged his shoulders slightly.

"They'll be there if you change your mind," Matthew told the man who grinned widely at the twins.

Michael nodded curtly in response, finishing his last glass of drink before placing it on the coffee table. "Now then, I believe we have something very important to discuss." The older twin stated causing Michael to raise an eyebrow. "Since we weren't expecting you until tomorrow, must be urgent if you called in first." He noted before turning to look at his brother who agreed by nodding of his head. "Do enlighten us." He added.

Mr. Blackadder paused for a few moments to compose himself. His eyes drifted around the room as he tried to decide where to begin. He reached to his side to pick up the brown satchel he had come with. He unclipped and started digging through the contents of the bag for something. The twins watched as he went through everything. He grabbed two identical files from inside the bag and handed them over to the twins.

"DuBois, lumières," Michael ordered and the man bowed, picked up the remote control, and flicked the crystal chandelier on.

Both twins flipped the files open and began reading the information.

After a few minutes of silent reading, Michael broke the silence first. "So, this is all there is?" He asked, referring to the file in his hand. "Nothing else?" He questioned further. He wasn't entirely surprised with the information presented, he knew she was up to no good from the moment he learned of her fake pregnancy.

"Yes, Sir," The man confirmed.

"A con artist, huh." Matthew spat.

"Yes, Sir, he lives by scamming rich women, served a jail term once and it looks like he's on his way to a second."

Both twins glanced at each other in surprise, neither of them quite believing what they had just heard. They exchanged another glance and looked at the papers in their hands, flipping through pictures of both Lorenzo and Maria. "And this man, this con artist, he is the one Maria has been seeing, yes," Michael stated more than questioned.

Blackadder nodded his head vigorously, his brow furrowed with emotion. "I'm sorry, sir."

"Oh, non non, ne t'excuse pas, Maria a fait son choix," Michael replied, waving away the apology. Though in truth he really did not care what she had done, he was just surprised to learn the identity of her lover. This was who she fell for? First Alexander then him and now a con artist, she seems to be spiraling downward.

"My brother is right, she has clearly made her choice, she knew the agreement she signed before her wedding and she thinks she's smart enough to fool us!" A bitter chuckle escaped his lips.

"There's more." Mr. Blackadder stated with a serious tone.

Both twin brothers' attention snapped towards him. "Yes." The words left them both without hesitation.

"As you've read in the files, she is being blackmailed by him but she seemed to trust him too much so she hatched a plan with him on her last visit."  He stated before sighing heavily. "She's going to have both her and Allie kidnapped by him, then they demanded a ransom once you've paid she will run away with him, living you in a miserable state-"

"Just like she did with Alexander, that bitch!" Matthew exclaimed angrily, interrupting the man. "And to think she would involve little Allie in this!" He muttered, shaking his head in disappointment.

"Calme, mon frère, we must think with a clear head in other to beat her at her own games, she's messed with the wrong ones this time," Michael murmured calmly to his brother who was currently getting ready to throw a chair across the room before patting him on the shoulder. The action seemed to have calmed him down as he straightened up and hugged his brother instead.

"We must keep this under our hats; Mr. Blackadder, you must proceed with the previous plan and we will call if we made any adjustments," Michael said sternly looking at his brother affirm his agreement before shifting his attention back to Blackadder.

"I agree, Monsieur D'Aureville! If you need anything I am only a phone call away." He responded nodding his head and reaching for his satchel before making his way to the door. The brothers followed suit and watched as he disappeared with the Butler showing him out.

Once the double doors had closed behind the Butler, the two men sat silently for a moment before the older twin finally spoke. "I suppose we are telling Alexander." His statement was spoken softly as he stared ahead into space, lost in thoughts.

Michael sighed. "Yes, you lied to him once and it nearly killed you, if we keep this from him too, it will break him and his daughter is involved, he has the right to know." He stated sadly. "I wish he were here though..." He mumbled, trailing off at the end.

With a raised brow, Matthew asked. "Him or Easton?"

"You need him and I need Easton."

"Come into Falcon tomorrow, you'll be with him then."

"I don't think I'm ready to see him just yet," Michael admitted and he meant that. Just the first time he saw him and he nearly died of heart attack, if he saw him again too soon he will surely die.

"Alright, take your time but not too long, don't keep him waiting." Getting on his feet Matthew approached his brother and kissed him on the head. "I'll be in my room, Tide calls." He informed him before turning around but before he could leave his brother's question halt his steps.

"When will you tell, Alexander?"

Matthew exhaled, looking down at the pendant around his neck, it glows brighter and he slowly reached to caress it with one hand, looking back up to meet his brother's gaze he smiled. "I'm sure the right time will come." He spoke softly and disappeared from the lounge.

Michael let out another tired groan, pinching the bridge of his nose as he did so. He felt exhausted, but also incredibly frustrated at how badly his heart yearned for those soft lips once again.

Chasing Tide (A Merman's Tale And The Human Who Desired Him) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora