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Chapter: 110.

Alexander stood at the bedside glancing down at the still sleeping Tideian. His Soulpearl thumped loudly within his core; it felt as if it would burst right out from within. Until he woke up that morning he didn't know he had missed the merman this much and before he could stop himself he was swimming off and toward the direction of the Tideian's cave. He went in uninvited and now floating beside his bed and just looking down at him, he couldn't find himself doing more than just watching him sleep. He looked so peaceful and so maddingly alluring. He reached fin-laced fingers forward and before he could stop their movement they found Tide's face and caressed him slowly.

Tide nestled into the warm caress and moaned softly into the stroking fingers, they filled him with so much warmth and excitement. Even asleep he knew it was his Half stroking his face. He smiled into Alexander's touch and nuzzled further into the hand. Alexander stifled a chuckle at his tender action. As he stared at the sleeping merman he could hear the sounds of his soft snoring. The noise sent chills across Alexander's body, he wanted nothing more than to kiss him. Just once.

How had he thought he would survive without him? He clearly needs Tide, his SoulPearl would have no peace otherwise.


The day he had killed the human he wasn't pleased by his action but he wasn't angry with him either. He knew he acted out of jealousy, Tideians tend to be very possessive of their own, but Alexander hid from Tide because he hated that he was the reason the human had died. He had wandered off purposely far away from Tide's peering eyes to his favorite place in the Old Town, a little cabin known as a Pleasure House where men are strapped and tied up with fancy pins and leather, he found a little hole in a particular room where he often found wandering eyes seeking the dealings within the house and what goes on in there pleases him to watch. It was one of the many things which drew him toward the Landdwellers.

They are very curious creatures always learning new and exciting things. He didn't want Tide to find out his secret and so he left Tide alone and found himself there, while he peeked through the hole a slender hand tapped his shoulder and when he turned a very good-looking human without warning had him pinned to the wall of the house and before he could protest his action, the stranger was kissing him. Stunned by this action, Alexander stood there unresponsive. It took a while before he regained his senses and then began to push him away. He had only had his hand pressed against the human's bare chest when Tide appeared around the corner, Alexander looked over the human's shoulders to explain but gasped when he saw a cloud of smoke starting to replace the place the human was meant to be standing.

"No!" He cried as he watched the smoke float away. "What have you done?" He ran forward and shoved the angry merman. "Stay away from me!" He howled and ran.


He felt guilty for the death of the human and ashamed that he had let another kiss his lips.

"I have missed you,"

Alexander jolted away from the bedside when he heard Tide whisper in his sleep. He could tell who touched him even from sleep. Alexander thought and turned away from the bed, eyes facing the doors. He was going to escape but before that he needed one last look at the Merman and so he turned, swam back to his previous position, and smiled down at the sleeping Merman fondly. His fingers reached for his face once again and he caressed him a second time then leaned over to place a gentle kiss upon Tide's forehead. He pulled away feeling satisfied by his accomplishment and turned to leave but before he could do so he saw a hand reach out and grasp hold of his wrist. Alexander whipped around and came face to face with Tide who was sitting upright in bed with wet eyes piercing into his.

Those eyes.

They weaken him.

"You're going to leave without even as little as a hello." It wasn't a question but an accusation of course. Alexander couldn't bring himself to answer. He didn't trust himself not to say anything stupid or embarrassing to break the fragile moment between them. If he didn't leave the next minute Tide might think he hates him. In those eyes, he could almost see the hurt in them. Tide already thinks he hates him.

"I am sorry for the last time..." Alexander started with a soft voice. "He caught me by surprise and you didn't wait to hear reasons before you did what you did but at the same time, I felt guilty for the death of the human, he didn't mean anything by it, but it's all in the past now," Alexander spoke quietly but with conviction. His words made sense to him and he could feel how well they were getting through to the merman. He was beginning to believe his words and perhaps that's why he allowed himself to continue talking. "I have spent these past days thinking about you, about us... I came here thinking only about you." Alexander said.

Tide felt a sting in his eyes and he smiled and very slowly pulled Alexander forward until the other was sitting beside him on the bed. His arms circled the other's waist and he buried his face into his chest.

"I love you, Alexander... I can't live without you... You must know this, stop pushing me away." Tide mumbled into his chest and Alexander felt as if a weight had been lifted from him, he wrapped his arms around him and held him close. He didn't dare to speak yet, afraid to ruin the delicate moment and make it crumble.

"You won't have to..." Alexander muttered and very carefully met the Tideian's eyes. "Not now at least." He smiled and leaned forward, Tide met him halfway and their mouths drank greedily in a passionate kiss. He ran his fingers through the silky long hair of Tide and deepened the kiss. He tasted something sweet and salty, he loved the taste of him. He never realized just how hungry he'd gotten until he felt Tide's tongue run along his lower lip begging for entrance.

His mind flashed to their first meeting, how much time had passed since then, how many times had he dreamed about their kiss, their embrace. Alexander broke the kiss and rested his head against Tide's, taking in the scent of Tide and memorizing every bit of him. He knew at that moment that he wouldn't be able to live without this merman. Tide has eaten far too deeply into his Soul. He kissed Tide's brow and gently pushed him back onto the bed. Alexander made himself comfortable behind Tide and very gently gathered him into his arms spooning him closer into his heated chest.

"I love you, Tide," Alexander whispered and pressed a gentle kiss to his shoulder. He could feel his SoulPearl pulse within him and a smile graced kiss swollen lips.

"I love you too, Alexander..." Tide whispered as their hands interlocked and at that moment they felt their Pearl energy filling the room, one was a clear sea blue and the other a stormy gray, the Pearls blended creating the most glorious glow and its energy had both Mermen panting loudly. "I love you the most." Tide whimpered as he squeezed the hand entangled in his and Alexander closed his eyes and sighed happily.

Their SoulPearls were connected.

This is what Tide had longed for, the closeness and connection that comes from sharing a bond, it made him feel complete. For the first time in years, Tide felt complete.

He felt whole.

But their bond isn't completely sealed yet until Alexander gives his consent for their Soul Bonding and then shall their SoulPearls be sealed for all eternity.

Chasing Tide (A Merman's Tale And The Human Who Desired Him) Where stories live. Discover now