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Chapter: 22.

"Tide?" He spun around at the sound of his name.

"Yes?" He replied to the gatekeeper at the door.

"The king is ready to speak with you now." He announced and went before him.

Tide moved cautiously behind the gatekeeper and when they got to the entrance of the throne room, the gatekeeper paused and ushered him in. Tide hasn't visited the king in weeks and considering his mission, he couldn't help his heart from beating any faster and tail from getting heavy.

"The Tideian has arrived!" Announced two warrior mermen by the entrance door and Tide jolted a bit when the huge double doors pulled open inviting him in. He stood for a while, watching the throne room laced with all the beauties of the seven seas. This wasn't the time for admiration but he would rather pretend to be intrigued by the crystal tree leading all the wall to the throne than acknowledge the king who sat upon his throne.

"Tide!" His voice roared and the merman jumped back a little. "Come!" He beckoned and he did.

While gliding into the throne room, he found the Elders all present in the room. The princess must have told her father of his horrible news. How else would all Elven Elders have gotten there so quickly? Tide approached the king and when he was but a few tails away, he stopped and bowed.

"Greetings, your Majesty." His voice cracked a few times.

"At ease, Tideian." The king ordered and began to laugh.

It confused the perplexed merman as he raised his head to find the king laughing heartedly. Turning around he found the Elders all wearing a smile. What could be so amusing to all of them?

"Oh, Tideian, Elder Naga, has informed us all of your foolishness and more so of your news to my daughter although it aches my heart that you would break her fragile heart so wickedly yet I wouldn't argue with the Gods, they sat me upon this throne." He spoke and Tide listened, still confused but his undivided attention was given to the king. "Your fate is tied with Atana's so Naga has forseen. I am curious as to why it has to be a Tideian, I know a day like this will come but I had thought since she was a princess then her fate most certainly would have collided with another princess but we can only assume wrongly, we can't always be right, only the Gods can be right at all times." Tide agreed with a nod of his head.

"You are here to confess your wrongdoings, are you not?"

He nodded again to the king.

"You are my Tideian, Tide, I hold no ill against you if I do as little as dared to punish you, it would mean I punish me too, the Trident of Kings did not choose only Neptunes of the Seven Seas but also their Tideian. You did only what you considered to be right and you have already paid the price. You could have died had your mother not acted fast." Again he agreed with another nod. "That is all the punishment you needed, the Gods have served it justly." Rising from his throne, he approached the still Tide. "Diondra, has given you her word, now go find out if truly this merman favors you above all even above Diondra." With that said he ushered him out of the throne room and Tide bowed first before the king then twice before the Elders.


After sending three soul butterflies and getting none in return, he couldn't wait for his response anymore, deciding to take matters into his own hands he went after his lover. But, when he reached his abode he was told Roan had gone with his friend to the bank of Aquarial, they had gone fishing for the sweet fishes often hidden under kelp beds. He went after them with eagerness in each flap. His heart beats an unsteady rhythm the faster he goes. He had forgotten to take the last of his healing potions before leaving the house that morning and he could have gone back to take it if he wanted rather he had chosen to ignore it.

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