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Chapter: 20.

The longer he stared at him, the more It feels like he was losing it.

Just the thought of him so close makes it hard to regain his composure. This strange man, who is married to his ex-wife, affects him in more ways than he would like to admit.

"Is it because it's a business owned by your ex-wife's husband?" Again he didn't reply. What's there for him to say, it's quite obvious why he left. "The job is still open if you're still interested."

"I'm not." He snarled.

"Then I will find you another, one that isn't owned by your ex-wife's husband." He offered.

"It's weird when you say that."

"How so?"

"Is it not your business?"

"Well, I suppose so."

"I don't want anything to do with you, stay away from me." He shoved at the man and stumbled down the beach.

"You know, you're not money-oriented" That paused his footsteps and he turned to stare daggers at the other man.

God, he is so handsome, it's hard to keep his gaze lingering on that face.

"Maria has moved on pretty nicely, wouldn't you agree?" The other provoked and he hissed. "I know there is so much pain, I can feel it, it's not healthy, Mr. Alexander." He walked towards him, and gently touched his heated cheeks, he was red from anger.

Anger at this man who thinks he knows everything about him simply because he is married to Maria.

Anger because he was telling the truth.

Anger because his heart flutters at his voice and skips when he calls his name.

It was all too annoying.

What is it about you that bothers me so much?

He wondered.

"I think it's about time you stopped living in the past and moved on as well. I do not know your story, but what I do know is that everyone deserves to move on." Leaning into his face as if he was going for a kiss he whispered ever so gently. "You do too, Alexander."

He had said his name without the Mr. It made it all too difficult for his rebellious heart to listen to his warnings.

"You know nothing about me!" He forced out, running out of arrows to fire back at this man who charged at him with everything.

"I know that and I'm not judging. But, money first then affairs second, it doesn't matter who owns the company, what matters is the earning and what you do with that earning."

"Sounding like a true businessman." Alexander mocked with a roll of his eyes.

"What can I say?" The other pride.

"Sometimes it's not always about the money."

"Trust me, Alexander, it is always about the money."

That provoked Alexander more like he was telling him that if he had money Maria would not have left, or that if he had money then he wouldn't have come looking for a job at his establishment or his daughter would have not been away from him.

Why was it that everything he says hits a special button, as if he knew him or understood his predicament, and much worse, why couldn't he punch him again and silence him like the first time? Why was he allowing him to toy with his heartstrings this way? Why wouldn't his legs move and why was his heart beating so drastically, the strings pulling towards this man.

Chasing Tide (A Merman's Tale And The Human Who Desired Him) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon