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Chapter: 109.

"Naga!" Tide called to the Elder Merdragon who had just appeared out of thin air. Naga's wings were beating as he flew down towards the Tideian, his eyes shining brightly in a mixture of joy and curiosity. He landed in front of Tide, looking him directly in the eyes, Tide stilled and just stood there, allowing the Merdragon to finish with his Soul searching. And once the Merdragon was finished he shifted into a Merman and began swimming away to his abode, Tide was following closely.

When they arrived at Naga's home, Tide took his time to look around the beautiful home of the Elder. He has magical furniture and millions of soulbutterflies floating around in glass confinement; their constant buzzing added a certain calming tone to the abode making it seem as though the Whispering Ghosts were within the walls of the Merdragon's home. There were shelves lining every wall each filled with different kinds of magic spell books and magical musical instruments, the Merdragons adores music and they played the most beautiful tones in all of Aquarial.

A little way from the entrance was another section which was lined with strange objects, the likes Tide isn't very familiar with but was certain they held powerful magics and are used for healing, he saw some DragonRocks, they were only two left. Aquarial has only three DragonRocks but one has been gifted to Princess Atana who had just recently wedded a human. It was the strangest of union the likes never before seen or heard in the history of Aquarial but she was blessed by her father and mother, the Elders, and by the gods and she has since gone above to dwell amongst the humans. A little further down the room is a bed of crystal waters, it is known for its potential healing powers and never aging gift. Just one deep into that pool of water and any MerFolk would live as long as the king himself; the water was clear and sparked with a brightness that hurts Tide's eyes. Taking his eyes away from the pool he looked up and just above the pool is a huge painting which consisted of the Map of Aquarial and the Fire Trident.

"What brings you here young Tide?" Naga asked, breaking his trance as he turned to face the Merdragon.

"I have come seeking your guidance, Naga," Tide said.

The Elder Merdragon looked pleased, his tail swishing slightly, he looked like a child who got his favorite toy back from their grandparents or an old man whose favorite book was returned after decades of absence. "I am always glad to aid my young Tideian. Have I told you what a wonderful role model I find you to be?"

Tide smiled. "You tell me at every given chance, yet I never understood how nor why."

Naga chuckled at this reply. "Oh, my young friend, you see, you are loved in all of Aquarial, the younglings adore you just as they do the King but that is a matter for another day as it seems you're here for a much important matter..." Looking around briefly the Merdragon cast his magic and Tide found himself sitting on a soothing sofa. "So tell me young Tide." He said, looking directly into his eyes.

Tide is almost certain the Merdragon knew all about his sudden visitation from the moment he had scanned him when he arrived but knowing the Merdragon still needed to hear it from him, he cleared his rusty throat and began to speak. "Tell me what happens when a Tide finds their PearlMate?"

Naga looked surprised by this question, he knew Tide understood the answer to that question and why he still asked. Naga smiled and met the Tideian's eyes once again. "When a Tideian finds a PearlMate it is for eternity. They shall never be able to love another even if the one they love is to depart from the seas in death, they shall remain as they are, alone until they too shall die, I know you know this, young Tide, why have you asked?"

Tide sighed heavily. "I think I have found mine, Naga." He said truthfully.

Naga hummed in understanding. "Then that is a good thing, did you know the last Tideian before you, he never found the other half of his Pearl and he wandered the seas alone, only devoting his love to his Neptune and Aquarial but you, my young friend have been blessed by the gods, you have found your other half, what seems to be the problem? You do not look as happy as one who has found their other half."

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