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Chapter: 125.

"Why have you come here without informing me beforehand?" Lorenzo barked at the shocked woman once he had dragged her out of the old hotel and out into the parking Lot. His eyes looked darker, a frown stretched across his features causing a line to appear over his forehead. Maria was certain she had never seen the man so angry before. It was as though he had suddenly become a different person, one she hasn't met before and it scars her.

"I didn't think I was doing anything wrong by visiting, and it wouldn't be the first time I have arrived here unannounced, why do you seem so angry?" She questioned trying to calm down his raging mood.

Lorenzo rolled his eyes and stopped walking, forcing her to stop with him. He turned to face her and she gasped at what she saw in his eyes. There was no hint of warmth, no sign of kindness or love. At that moment it seemed like he wanted nothing more than to kill the woman who stood in front of him. She felt small under his gaze, she didn't think he could hurt her but she knew that something about her presence unsettled him.

"Lorenzo?" She started, reaching up and gently touching his arm, hoping to get some sort of response from him. She flinched and a gasp fell off her lips when he snapped at her hand, his gaze unwavering until Maria finally took a step backward.

"I told you to stay away from me until the plans have been executed, you dumb woman, what if we are spotted together, huh? What if your crazy husband got a tail on you? We are barely a few days away from the d'day and you dare show yourself around here!" The anger that filled his voice made her shake uncontrollably. Was this whole anger about the plan? Yes, she's aware, she's not that stupid but Michael is far too busy to even bother with such a thing as having her tailed. She's been carrying a fake pregnancy for six months and he never once suspected a thing. A man like that doesn't get involved in things he doesn't care about. Although they are married and she had lived both happily and peacefully with him yet she could not help but feel like their marriage was nothing but a hoax.

Like they both had entered into it without intending to create a real marital relationship. A marriage of convenience. She was in it for the money, the good life, the respect, at least she knew why she entered it but she couldn't say for a fact why Michael did. She knew what kind of life he lived before he married her, his lifestyle wasn't exactly a hidden secret, but everyone said she tamed him, and kept him grounded, it made her feel like maybe he truly fell in love with her but the only thing that came close to marital they ever had was sex which when thought about didn't seem like much either. Anyone can have sex with just about anyone no strings or emotions attached. He treated her with respect, gave her all she ever wanted, although, at the time, she was eager to rush into his home and become his wife. She had signed a document and now she's starting to regret her actions. If she knew then what she knows now she would not have agreed to sign that document which is why this plan must work so she can salvage what she could for herself and her daughter especially now that she is having an affair something that will ruin her for good if found.

The thoughts that Michael would care so much to have her tail never crossed her mind and with Lorenzo bringing such things up now, her blood ran cold. He could not be right. Michael wouldn't do such a thing besides she hadn't given him any reasons to be suspicious of her. She behaved and acted as well as the first day she met the man. But after this morning, and how close Lina is to Michael, and now with what Lorenzo had said, all did nothing but frighten her way more than Lorenzo's angry voice.

"Keep away from me until this water is settled even then, do not call me and do not see me, I will leave you a message as to when and where we meet to get out of this city."

Her mouth moved open and closed a couple of times as her mind tried to process all of the things that were being thrown at her. "You understand don't you?" He asked and she nodded vigorously then he forcefully grabbed her arm, his grip so tight she hissed from pain. "Saturday, bring your daughter as well as yourself to the X and behave normally, you're a good actor, yes? Then I hope you act well this time. My boys will be there to pick you both up, behave Maria, and do not mess this deal up for me, and for your daughter's sake you better hope your husband pays up or there will be casualties." A loud gasp fell off her lips when her car door was thrown open and she was shoved into the driver's seat. She hadn't even seen when he dipped his hands into her purse to grab her keys or noticed when he opened the car door and without any word, she turned the keys and began to pull away from the lot, teary eyes and all.


Gracie was kissing her husband goodbye when she spotted that familiar car pulling into her driver's way. She sighed and leaned forward planting a kiss on his lips. "I'm going to miss you, babe," she whispered into his ear before pressing their lips against each other again.

"I'll miss you too," Maurice replied, pulling away from her and wrapping an arm around her shoulder." The hug was brief and soon the man pulled away and got into his car, the chauffeur drove him off as the other car approached the waiting woman. Gracie smiled brightly upon seeing her friend's car, waving her hand happily. She waited until she had parked and got out of the vehicle when she noticed the wounded look on her face and her swollen red eyes. She immediately rushed over and crushed her with a warm embrace.

"Oh god, Maria what happened?" Gracie whispered sadly, pulling away from their embrace, her hands going to Maria's cheeks and cupping her jaw. "Tell me." She said softly.

Maria looked away from Gracie and fidgeted slightly with her fingers. "Nothing, Cie, just some problems with some clients, that's all. No biggie," she said, attempting to smile. Gracie looked at Maria skeptically and raised an eyebrow at her.

"Since when do your customers make you cry, huh?"

"There's this house I was supposed to sell but the couple bailed at the last minute."

"Don't give me that crap, Maria, you and I know you haven't been to work since you married Michael and if you suddenly decided to get back to working again you would have mentioned it to us when we hung out last Wednesday."

"I'm telling you the truth, CieCie, please believe me." Maria pleaded. "Really... nothing happened, promise!" She stated.

With a frown starting to spread across the other woman's face fast, Gracie asked. "Is that what we are doing now?"

"What do you mean?" Maria asked, knowing her lies didn't hold water.

"Lying in each other's faces even when it's clear there is something obviously wrong?" Gracie questioned, crossing her arms over her chest in an attempt to make her seriousness evident.

Shifting uncomfortably in her spot, Maria let out a long sigh. "Please don't be mad at me, ok Gracie?" She pleaded, not wanting the blonde to start another fight. She has had enough from Lorenzo to last the entire week and when Gracie starts it doesn't end. Sometimes she questions if they were truly friends since whenever they hang out and everyone is talking about their marriages and what their husbands have done, Gracie never talks about hers. While she encourages extramarital affairs and tends to have the perfect advice or solution to every bad choice, they can't truly say they ever caught her doing the same, neither has she mentioned ever been in any of these situations or making any wrong choices, although she often speaks about a certain handyman she frolics around with but none of them have seen the man in person. She loves to get involved in their lives but none of them can truly say they know much about hers yet how they have all managed to befriend and trust her all these years beat them.

Either she's as bad as they all are or she's just a very good manipulator, either way, Maria clearly doesn't care.

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