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Chapter: 135.

All four men sat around a table in the VIP lounge in Michael's club impatiently waiting for information before they made their moves. Alexander wasn't without tears in his eyes, as hours ticked by he feared for the worse and the safety of his precious daughter. He didn't like not knowing what the situation was but all he could do was wait with the rest and so he sat, legs bouncing shakily, palms sweaty, heart beating an unsteady rhythm within his chest. Easton would often look toward him and briefly grab one of his hands, squeezing them reassuringly, telling him without speaking out loud that he was there with him. Michael's phone began to ring, tearing apart the silence that has clouded them for a brief moment, the sound had Alexander jumping and his eyes snapped toward Michael who frowned upon seeing the caller. Alexander paid attention to his call, hoping it was the one they were expecting but once he heard that name, he wanted to strangle her through the phone.

"Maria?" Michael started, his voice filled with concern yet relieved, Alexander almost questioned his sanity if he didn't know any better. "My, God, my love, how I have waited to hear from you, where are you? Are you alright? How is Allison?" His words tumbled over themselves as he spoke without a break in between.

"They took our baby girl, my love, and left me stranded by the road all bruised. I tried to fight the best I could but there was very little that I could do." She cried, although the shock of what had happened with Lorenzo hadn't left her, still her heart danced around with such great joy once she heard the voice of her worried husband. Lorenzo may have fooled her but she still has Michael and now with Lina out of the picture she is sure to have his love all to herself now.

"They?" Michael asked with a frown. "What do you mean 'they'? Who took our little girl?" He demanded worriedly as if he didn't already know what had happened. Maria, happy that he hadn't even been informed, knew this was her chance to play her cards innocently and well.

So, she cried harder into the phone. It was not the fact that her daughter could be in danger somewhere she didn't know, not even worried that she could get hurt in the hands of those men, who kill ruthlessly without thought that made her cry so bitterly but the fact that Lorenzo had betrayed her. Slapped and humiliated her the way he did. She knew she wouldn't be getting over his betrayal anytime soon and it breaks her heart, even more, knowing that when this is all over, he will take all the money and leave with his lover. She was indeed foolish to have both fallen and trusted him so deeply. Managing to control her weeping she relates all that had happened to Michael who returned her information with even greater concern and worries, she never could have known he knew all about it already and she basked in her tale, enjoying the reaction she was receiving from her husband, glad that he loves her so dearly and grateful she hadn't lost it all.

Lorenzo might get twenty million but she still has the man who would pay the millions.

"Tell me where you are, I will have my men come pick you up right away, we will find those bastards and they will pay for laying their filthy hands on my daughter and my wife!" Michael shouted into the phone, Maria's heart swelled with pride at hearing him so protective. If it wasn't going to implicate her she was ready to rat out that fool Lorenzo, damning him to hell for what he did to her but if she did that then he will in no doubt bring her secrets to light and she will lose even the love of Michael and for this reason, she held her tongue.

"I managed to get home, but I called my doctor once I arrived. I think something happened to the baby, my love." She cried again, trying to kill two birds with one stone.

"Are you alright?" He asked and Maria could hear clearly the faint worry in his tone.

"There was a lot of blood, baby, but I'm fine, our baby, not so much." She muttered sadly.

"Don't worry about that now, baby, we will make more babies, I'm glad you're safe, I will put a call for--"

"No, no no..." Maria cut his words short and Michael paused with wide eyes.

"What is it?" He demanded.

"Before they let me off, they warned that should you get the police involved, Allison will be dead, please, just hold on for their call, do whatever they ask, and please, get my daughter back home to me, please, my love." Maria pleaded, her heart pounding, she was afraid of the man she saw today, and if Lorenzo could treat her in such a manner, there is no telling what he might do to Allison.

Michael sighed, closing his eyes and taking in a slow deep breath, before nodding. "Okay, I will wait, if it's money they want they can have it, as long as they do not touch a strand of hair on Allie's head." He said grimly.

Maria breathed out a soft thank you and hung up, placing her phone down on the table with shaky hands and staring up at her reflection in the mirror. She looked pale, her eyes swollen and cheeks sore, dark rings marred her skin, her lips red and stained by dried tear streaks. Her hair was disheveled, tangled, and sticking every which way, dark strands were sticking out at strange angles, and her dress was crumpled, torn on one side. The woman in the mirror wore a haunted look, fear, and sorrow etched in her features. She never would have thought that the day she had looked forward to with so much joy would eventually turn out to be the most hated in all her life.

Turned sour so quickly, it didn't even give her a moment to catch her breath. It may take a while but she will come out of this too and with that thought in mind she begins to peel the dirty dress away from her body.


"Way to go, brother." Matthew commended the man once he had finished with his call. "Great acting, you could have gotten us fooled if we didn't know any better." He complimented, turning to face his brother and friend, Michael had a small smile on his face when he turned to greet his brother's gaze.

"Can you believe Maria?" He spat in pure hatred for the woman. "Just how foolish does she think I am, huh?" He questioned rhetorically, shaking his head.

Matthew chuckled lightly, shaking his head and patting his brother's shoulder in understanding. "Hey, don't get your panties in a wad big guy, if it's of any consolation, take this man, for example, you couldn't be any more foolish than he was," Matthew said pointing at Alexander who nodded with a chuckle despite himself.

"I agree, she had me fooled for sixteen nearly seventeen years and even when I was near death I still didn't see her for what she truly is, so yeah, you are not foolish, she's just stepped on the wrong toes this time and now she will understand that not every man is Alexander." He agreed solemnly as they watched Michael pace about the room fuming.

"Oh, sweet karma, how it finds you in the most unexpected places." Easton mused softly.

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