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Chapter: 127.


Allison had just left with her driver shortly after Michael left for work and Lina had come to inform her a few minutes later that she had to get groceries and will be visiting a few of her relatives or was it, friends, from the Home, she clearly stated that she would not be returning until noon and while Maria didn't care about her or where she had mentioned visiting, she didn't miss the fact that the woman had said she would be returning around the same time Allison's gets back from school or before so she can fix her lunch. They had maids to do the chores, Michael had suggested a few times that he employed a chef but Lina refused, saying only she will cook in the kitchen. Although initially, Maria had cooked in the kitchen when she newly got married as time went on, she decided it was useless going through the stress of cooking when Lina was there, and with time she deserted cooking altogether and only Lina cooks from then on.

Once Lina had left her bedroom, she caught her living with her private driver from her bedroom balcony before she stripped her clothes and got into the shower to freshen up. Both she and Lorenzo had recently only met each other and whatever feelings they had found in each other still burns so strongly it blinds reactional thinking so it wasn't surprising when she heard a knock at the door and she had gone to get it in her bathrobe and there he was, she didn't remember giving him her home address but somehow he had found her and was standing at her front porch, how or who had let him through the gates, she didn't bother to ask how he had evaded security guard positioned at different angles around the premises, she didn't bother to figure out either, blinded by that burning sinful lust for the rugged man she lounged herself at him and he disrobed and carried her into the bedroom with her leading the way by pointing him to the right direction, she could not speak as her lips were locked with his.

They made love for hours and when they had both satiated their lusts, she got dressed and quickly snuck him out of the house, it was perfect timing she had thought because no maids would be seen wandering around the main house at that hour and she didn't need much distraction to get him through the guards with a quick line of lies, then she had gone into the control room to wipe away any evidence of his presence the cameras may have caught but what she didn't know nor anyone had told her was that while they fucked their brains out, Lina had returned home, after her groceries, she decided against visiting the Homes and instead requested that the driver returned her home.

The first weird thing she noticed was the bathrobe lying by the door, at first she thought Michael was home but then there was a pair of dirty old cheap boots at the foot of the stairs, she went up and headed straight for Maria's bedroom, although all the bedrooms in the house were soundproof she knew without a doubt that whoever owned those disgusting boots was in that room and so she went to hers, grabbed her camera and mount herself right next door, in Allison's bedroom, the only room without any soundproof.

With the door cracked slightly open and her camera stick poking out into the hallway she waited until they were done and was soon creeping out from her bedroom, Maria clung to the man's arm as he tried to button his faded flannel shirt, and they shared kisses and giggles while she snuck him out of the house and then she caught her go into the control room, knowing what she was going to do there, Lina existed from Allison's bedroom and made her way to hers downstairs. From that moment on, she knew and once the pictures started getting mailed to the house, she tore right through those boxes and she saw and took enough evidence for later purposes.



Maria fell into the foot of the door and stared helplessly into the hateful eyes of the woman before her as she finished her story.

"You-You are evil, Lina," Maria whispered quietly, tears beginning to wail up in her eyes. She has never wanted anyone more dead than she did the woman at that very moment.

"No, Maria, you are the evil one, you killed the child in your belly with your excessive drinking and substance abuse, and what did you do next, you went and got yourself a fake pregnancy and have fooled all of us this entire time, your precious daughter included, you know how she desperately wanted a sibling, and look what you're doing to her and not only her but Michael too, after everything he's done for you, you ungrateful wench! You should be ashamed of yourself, and yes I took the Card, you do not deserve a penny of Michael's money, and need I remind you of the prenup agreement you willingly entered before your marriage to Michael? My boy may have loved you but he is no fool either and should he get to see that camera and those dirty pictures, you will not only be kicked out of this house but will be left penniless, a life well deserved for one such as yourself." Lina sneered as she pulled Maria up by the collar of her dress.

She may be old but she is no weakling and this woman has bitten more than she can chew this time. "Now listen here you slut." Her voice lowered. "The next time you try as little as to raise your voice at me more so dare to slap me, I will personally ruin your life." Her tone suddenly changed into something much colder and crueler. "Now take yourself away from my sight." Maria managed to drag herself from the door and into her bedroom where she sank onto her knees, her head buried in her hands, sobbing uncontrollably.

Knowing now what Lina knows and for how long she has known her secret, realizing now that the woman could have ruined her life longer than now, shook her down to the very core.

Nothing had scared her more in her entire life.

And once she had settled enough for her mind to function a little, she managed to remove herself from her room, and soon she was driving to the only place she thought she could find solace only getting there Lorenzo had chased her away like the plague, although he seems to have a reasonable reason why yet she couldn't help but wished he had at least listened to her or even given her a hug.


"She hates me and now she has finally gotten the upper hand on me. What can we do? If I don't put her away for good, I might never succeed with my plans, and this life and everything I have managed to build over the years will be flushed down the drain and I will be thrown out in the streets in a fate far worse than the one I left Alexander in."

Gracie growled once her friend had finished bringing to light all she now knows and her eyes suddenly popped with a bright idea. "That will never happen, as a matter of fact, I have a brilliant idea that will solve this problem once and for all." Her tone turned deadly serious. "That secret she uncovered will die with her and no other ear or ears will ever hear of it and you, my friend will walk out of that marriage with bags full and a smiling face. Now, come closer, and let me tell you the solution to your Lina problem." Leaning closer to Maria, Gracie began to whisper in her ears what she should do and Maria bought her ideas with smiling lips and a steady nod of her head in agreement.

A beautiful plan.

The perfect annihilation.

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