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Chapter: 78.

Alexander peered his eyes open when he felt gentle kisses caressing his face. A smile filled his lips when he saw those ocean blues staring down at him.

"Good morning, baby." Matthew's calming voice drifted into his heart. He felt warm.

"Good morning," Alexander muttered, stretching tired muscles. The sheets keeping his naked chest hidden gilded down to expose tinted skin. His once flawless flesh was bruised by teeth marks and love kisses. Matthew groaned when he saw him. His lower half responded to the erotic sight. Alexander smiled. "You took your time, didn't you." He muttered, taking a better look at his body. "Marked your claim, eh." He chuckled slightly, looking up at Matthew but a lump soon formed in his throat when he took in the hungry eyes digging so deeply into his core that he felt a wave of goosebumps bloom on flushed skin.

With a stuttering voice he muttered, "Matt-" but before he could quibble, Matthew had pounced on him, like a ravenous lion, their lips met and the kisses were sloppy and hot. They didn't seem to care about their messes; they just wanted to get it all out of their system, as Alexander did the same. Soon he was left breathless and exhausted with Matthew still kissing him, biting and licking along the way until he finally pulled away.

Alexander opened his eyes to see the other man smiling softly down at him. It was always such an amazing sight; Matthew's beautiful blue eyes shining like stars, and his rosy lips forming his signature grin before he would lean in and steal a quick kiss from Alexander. Alexander loved that smile and every little part of it, so much that it often caused butterflies in his stomach. This time, however, was different. Matthew's gaze was softer. Almost sad as if he was feeling guilty.

Which wasn't true, because he'd never feel guilty over what they did. If he ever felt bad about anything, that was a lie. That is why Alexander found it strange. So many things happened between them and Alexander loved every one of those moments. He knew Matthew loved him too, and he knew that Matthew didn't regret anything in the slightest. But this time it seemed different. Alexander frowned.

What was going on? He didn't have long to think about this question for Matthew had already begun to speak again. "How are you feeling?" His words almost came out rushed and Alexander wondered where the hell he got that tone from but decided not to ask. After all, he had seen Matthew use it plenty. Matthew was always talking with purpose or excitement, sometimes his own words could be heard in there too, but now he sounded scared. And worried, like he's genuinely scared.

Was he worried he may have hurt him last night? Well, he was sore, surely but nothing that isn't to be expected after what they had done especially with the size of the man but that ain't something to feel this guilty about, is it?

Alexander looked at the ceiling. He felt like shit. His lower half hurts like bloody hell, it was going to be a while until he's healed down there. "I'm ok," he replied simply but his answer surprised him. Was he ok? Alexander closed his eyes. Why wouldn't he be ok? The man looked miserable enough as it is, what happens if he told him he wasn't the slightest okay.

Matthew sighed. "You don't need to lie to me." Alexander frowned. What the fuck was wrong with Matthew? Can't he see he's embarrassed enough as it is? Is there something else he isn't telling? Was everything alright? Alexander opened his eyes to find Matthew watching him. He was staring at Alexander as if he was trying to read his mind. Alexander sighed. He really hated being analyzed like this. But maybe it wasn't that serious? He wasn't sure which he liked more. Not knowing what was bothering the other man, made Alexander's anxiety skyrocket.

"Matthew," Alexander said cautiously, reaching for the man's hand. Matthew gave it willingly without protest. "What's wrong?" he asked, squeezing Matthew's hand tightly. "I have this feeling that there's more to your mood, you're not just worried about how I'm feeling." Matthew didn't reply for a while, his eyes locked with Alexander's. Alexander held onto the man, afraid that if he let go Matthew wouldn't be there anymore.

Matthew bit his lip. "Alex-" he started before he broke off. Alexander squeezed his hand tighter. He needed answers, or at least one of those wicked smirks to ease his mind. Had something happened while they slept? Had he done something? He needed to know what he was missing, but most importantly...

"What is it?" Alexander pleaded, hoping the other might explain whatever was wrong.

Matthew shook his head slowly before meeting Alexander's eyes again.

"There's something I should tell you."


It was late afternoon when Alexander arrived home. Alexander couldn't help but think about how weird it was for him to have nearly walked halfway home, completely forgetting to board a cab since he had fought back when Matthew insisted one of his drivers sent him home. He wasn't going to allow that. Hasn't he done enough already? In front of their little gate, he stood and exhaled loudly, his lids burned with unshed tears. He had succeeded in fighting them off the entire way home. Was he wrong for leaving the way he did? He exhaled again, blinking rapidly to get rid of the tears clogging his vision.

The cars. He thought, looking around for any sign of them but the place was empty. Had Matthew sent for the cars to be sent back? When does he even make these calls? Alexander wondered. He could have sworn he never left the man's sight the entire day so when he made these calls was a baffle to him, maybe it was when he had fainted after their epic shtup.

Easton should be at work by now. With the key in his hand ready to unlock the front gate. He stopped. He wasn't sure what else he wanted to do. Should he go through with this? Or should he not? He hesitated for another moment before finally turning the keys and going into the house. First, he went to the poolside and the water felt different from how he remembered it. Panic rose in his chest and he quickly glanced at the stone on his finger, he eased a sigh and sat, dipping his feet into the pool.

He was missing the Merman.

Chasing Tide (A Merman's Tale And The Human Who Desired Him) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin