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Chapter: 100.

"Please, let me cum." He begged with a whimper.

"What did I tell you?"

"I can't hold it in anymore."

"Yes, you can and you will." Matthew coated his fingers once again and before Alexander could argue his fingers found their place inside that velvet tight passage. Alexander screamed and buried his face in his hands. The first thrust felt rough and painful but then softened slightly when he began to move, slowly.

"I want it harder! Faster! Please!" He cried out loud, throwing his head against the hard surface and lifting his hips off the desk. The action made him more exposed as he spread his thighs for the man's display.

Matthew gulped loudly, he was trying to hold himself but it seems his lover was having none of that, a smirk crossed his lips as he held his spread-out cheeks with one hand, the fingers inside had stopped their movement while Alexander moved and he could feel his hole twitching around his fingers, sucking them in, deeper.

"So impatient." He chastised him, smirking when Alexander threw his head backward in a frustrated whine. "And so needy." Matthew pressed his fingers a little harder against his opening and Alexander gasped loudly, he didn't give him a break this time, didn't let him catch his breath as he pulled all three fingers out, and when he slammed them back in, it was with a force Alexander didn't see coming he let out a cry as he pulled back out of his hole and slammed back inside, slamming home deeper with each thrust, and this time, his fingers didn't relent, didn't flatten, didn't stop, the thrust was so fast so intense, Alexander stopped breathing, his mouth hung open and eyes bulged, the desk shook with the force of the man's thrusting and Matthew growled loudly.

"Breathe, baby." He reminded the breathless man and Alexander left out a repressed gasp so loud Matthew muttered a low... fuck.

"Yes, yes yes!" Alexander moaned. "I'll be a good boy, please, let me cum." He pleaded as he moaned. He was losing control fast, feeling his balls tightening and pulsing. It didn't help that Matthew was panting heavily like he was some wild animal. Matthew slammed forward, faster and harsher, hitting his prostate repeatedly making the room vibrate and he could feel his climax approaching. Alexander wanted to cum so bad his heart couldn't bear it anymore. "Fuck!" He cried as his core trembled violently. Matthew gave a roar and drove his fingers deeper inside, faster. His muscles tightened painfully and it hurt, yet so good. He gasped harshly, clutching at the edge of the desk beneath him and Matthew was grunting in satisfaction behind his ear. He was almost near finished, his walls clenching tightly, trembling, contracting. "Please..." He cried, losing his mind. He didn't know how much longer he could hang on.

Without pulling his fingers out, Matthew turned the man over on the desk so he was now facing him, teary eyes met sea green ones and Alexander felt Tide within those eyes staring back at him. This time he was certain, he could feel Tide, right on the surface, watching him, breaking him. He moaned, trying to look away from those eyes. The movement of the fingers started once again and Alexander whimpered loudly, shaking and arching his back off the desk in a sexy curve.

The lewd sounds his hand made as they slapped against his cheeks coupled with the wet slippery sound had Alexander going crazier by the second. "Oh my god!" Alexander breathed, tears streaming down his face.

Matthew leaned into him and captured his lips in a sizzling kiss, his tongue invaded Alexander's mouth with ease as the fingers stroked and swirled around his sensitive prostate, creating waves after waves inside his burning warmth. Their tongues danced and tasted each other while Matthew finger fucked him relentlessly. Alexander squirmed against Matthew's firm body and arched into him, craving his bodily warmth and feel.

Matthew's tongue tasted sweet, he loved it. Maybe it's the oil. No, it tasted better, like the fluids from Tide the day he had loved him. Matthew kissed him deeper. He loved the salty tang of Alexander's sweat as he kissed back. Their bodies pressed together and Matthew knew that it wasn't going to get better any time soon because Alexander was about to come. And he was going to ride the waves until Alexander is completely wrecked. He reached behind him and slowly untied his wrists then he undid the cords around his ankles and shoved his pants down, all the while still kissing the other man who remained oblivious to his freed hands and legs until he felt Matthew pull his fingers away, spread his legs apart and before he could protest the action he was replacing it with something much better, bigger and harder.

Alexander's head lolled back in pure pleasure and he moaned, gasping for air between each breath. Matthew's thick erection pierced through the heated entrance and slipped into him slowly. Everything seemed to slow down. He could hear nothing except for Matthew's soft voice and the harsh breathing he took. Alexander bit down a scream as he felt the pressure increase as the large, rough erection entered him fully, a thick tent was inserted into him. He felt full. Matthew thrust slowly, taking his sweet time, teasing Alexander's prostate until he whimpered in pleasure. He pushed inside of him, a bit deeper this time, wanting to make sure he doesn't miss his cock. The cock moved smoothly inside him, stretching him, rubbing against a soft bundle of nerves, making him moan loudly in pleasure.

Matthew pulled him up from the desk. It was after Alexander had curled both hands and legs around the other man's neck and waist did he realize he was no longer bound.

"You're doing good, baby." Matthew praised him.

"Yes, please, oh fuck me, Matthew." Alexander's grip on his back tightened, his nails digging into Matthew's skin as he scratched the man drawing blood.

Matthew hissed, capturing his lips once again and Alexander bit into his lower lip, he broke the soft skin and Mathew couldn't help himself as he bit into his lip, pulling blood as well, both men panted and groaned as they began to kiss the blood away, drawing more blood from the broken lips as they sucked onto them, grunting as they worked on matching each other thrust for thrust. Matthew bit down hard on his lip and rubbed his thumb in a circle across Alexander's throbbing hole, feeling how swollen it was with his cock nestled deeply inside, rubbing his sensitive tissues as he pounded into him. Alexander bit down even harder on Matthew's lower lip when he felt another wave of pleasure crashing on top of him. Their lips were bloody, Matthew's back had tricked blood lines from Alexander scratching too hard, Alexander moaned and clenched down into that monstrous cock inside of him and Matthew growled.

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