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Chapter: 42.

Tide slowly rose from the water, it felt different from the sea water but it wasn't so bad. His tail hurt but not something he couldn't heal, he probably hadn't healed since he had been unconscious for who knows how long. He brought his head out of the water and looked around his surroundings, it was a strange-looking place.

How come they have a sea puddle in the center of wherever this was?

He wondered as his eyes wandered endlessly scanning the areas for any impending danger but there seemed to be none. It was quiet, too quiet. Then he heard the calm slithering sounds from under the water, one dip was all it took and he was grabbing a squid and biting hungrily into it.

Both Alexander and Easton choked at the action, their disgusted faces like a movie displayed on a projector screen.

"Oh, wow, he just ate that alive," Easton's voice muffled from pressing against the glass. "Told you he could make sushi out of you."

"Stop whining, he is a fish person of course he should eat like that, there is no fire underwater," Alexander muttered back.

Tide ears twitched at the strange sounds coming from a distance, he turned and this time his mint green glowing eyes were suddenly upon the land dwellers but they seemed trapped between a forcefield of some sort and their expressions were so strangely distorted that it made the Merman squint and frown.

"I think he saw us," Easton whispered.

"Of course he saw us, he was looking right at us!" Alexander returned.

"What should we do now?" Easton asked.

"Go say hi..."

"Are you crazy!"


"I don't want to be eaten by a Merman, you stupid man!"

"He won't eat us, he is already eating a squid, and we look stupid plastered on this glass like this." Alexander replied but didn't move from his position.

Tide wondered what the strange words they mumbled meant. His head moved sideways as he watched and listened, the gills on his ears twitched to the sounds, he didn't understand them.

Did they need help?

Maybe they needed help.

But they were humans with those disgusting things they walked on, his eyes wandered to their legs and he watched them bounce around as they fidgeted glued to that transparent forcefield.

They definitely needed help.

Pointing a finger towards them a spark of light flashed on pointy nails.

"W-W-What is he doing?" Easton asked, eyes blinking rapidly.

"I think we should run." Alexander told him and unglued himself from the glass.

"What?" Easton cried and jumped back as well when the light grew and charged towards them, in a wink of an eye the glass walls came dissolving before their terrified eyes. Like liquid it melted into a puddle leaving both men staring now at the melted glass with bulging eyes and gawking mouths. "The hell- '' Easton muttered. "He fucking melted my house!" He whispered. "He melted my house!" He said it a second time as if in disbelief. "He fucking melted-"

"I know what he did!" Alexander cried, shutting him up. He was as scared shitless and shocked as he was.

"He could have melted us too!" Easton looked towards his friend. "Told you he was dangerous."

"No, I don't think that's it."

"What?" He cried, staring incredulously at his friend. "What do you mean you don't think that's it?!" He demanded.

"I think he thought we needed help, maybe he thought we were trapped, he was trying to help get us out."

"What are you, a mermaid whisperer now?!" Easton couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"I'm going out there-"

"What? No you're not!" He grabbed onto his arms and held him still.

Tide watched intently as they conversed confusingly one with another while he causally munched down on his meal. He's helped them so they can get out now but they seem to be more scared now than before.

Humans are confusing.

He thought but ignored them and grabbed for another meal.

"What and what did you even buy?" Alexander asked when he saw him cutting into a Sawfish.

"All kinds of Seafood dead and alive." Easton returned. "Damn, his teeth must be so fucking sharp look at it go!" Easton muttered, amazed.

"We have to go say hi, I mean we helped him, he wouldn't kill us for helping him."

"Yeah, that is if he understood what that word even means." Easton disagreed.

"He's not some vicious animal!"

"Yeah, he is, for all I know he could be more dangerous than the great white shark."

"You're been ridiculous, East."

"I'm being logical, is what I'm being!"

"You have a gun, go grab it and cover me while I go."

"He just shot a lighting which happen to have melted an entire glass from his fucking fingertip and you seriously think a gun would do any harm to him?!"

"Well, at least I know you have something to help me with if anything goes wrong."

"Ah, so you agree that something could go wrong."

"It's a possibility."

"I'm not letting you go out there."

"Then come with me."

"In your dreams."

"Then let me go-"


"East," he turned to grab the man's face and held him in his arms. "I will be fine, baby, I promise."

"Don't look at me like that." Easton moped looking away from his gaze. "You know I can't resist you when you look at me like that."

"I will be fine, go grab your gun."

"If you get hurt, I will fucking kill you!" He warned and made a mad dash for the cabinet with his gun, pulling it out he stood behind Alexander. "Now go." He ordered and Alexander exhaled and took cautious steps, careful not to step into the liquid. Crossing over he stopped and breathed a few times, calming his restless heart and pumping blood pressure.

"Here goes nothing." He muttered under his breath and took another step.

Chasing Tide (A Merman's Tale And The Human Who Desired Him) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora