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Chapter: 142.

The Ocean was cold and dark, a deep gray color that was almost black as it surrounded the Island. The sun had long since set and only a small sliver of light could be seen over the edge of the horizon. The glow from the moon danced in the wave, it looked like the moon was swimming over it, its silvery light glimmering on the wet sand, reflecting off the waves rolling in to meet it. The waves crashed violently onto the shore, brushing away their footprints as if they didn't want them there. The air smelt sharp and salty, and the wind felt cool against their skin, making them shiver despite themselves. The ocean itself gave the appearance of a silent scream, but neither man dared speak, none wanting to be the one to say the first word. Their hearts weigh heavily, their lips quivered, eyes sought comfort from around them instead of within the other.

The fear of parting.

Of separation, it bears strongly against their aching souls. Goodbyes can be the hardest word to say when said out loud, so they cling to their strength, holding back tears, hoping the pain burning within would lessen if given time. But, alas, the journey to Aquarial is far too long and this pain they feel would only burn more intensely with time.

Why must he leave?

Would it be selfish of him if he said out loud that he didn't wish that he returned home?


A month has passed since Lina's funeral, and Michael was slowly getting back to his usual self, Easton made sure to take great care of him and once they all felt they were ready for a little vacation, a break from all the chaos they have all dealt the past months, Matthew flew them all to the Island. They spent a week just relaxing, eating delicious meals, going on hikes, walking through beautiful beaches, and swimming in beautiful waters. They also had a few meetings, which weren't too long but still needed to be done. Alexander spent time with his daughter too, they played together in the sand. They would team up, in threes, Tide, Allison, and Alexander while Matthew, Michael, and Easton would be on the other side when they went paddle-boarding or played volleyball, they spent the week enjoying each other's company and making up for lost times.

All seemed to be going well until Tide broke the news of his departure. It broke Allison's heart who had grown fond of the Merman the past month and it took Tide to spell as well as wipe a certain memory from her before she calmed down but Alexander wasn't any better and tonight he was supposed to say his Goodbyes to the Merman.


A loud clap of thunder broke through the quiet atmosphere of the Island. Thunderous winds blew, and lightning flashed. A crack of electricity struck the ground. The two stood still, staring ahead into the distance, both avoiding to lock gaze for fear of what they might see in the other's eyes. They were afraid the words they were about to exchange may break something inside of them. Something that will last an eternity, something that will hurt so much their hearts wouldn't be able to bear, so, they remain silent, allowing the thunderclaps and lightning strike to distract the unsaid words floating around endlessly in each man's mind. Then came the sudden burst of rain. The rain came down hard, pounding against the ground below with such force it seemed as though it were trying to break through the walls of heaven. The coconut trees swayed back and forth, branches scraping against each other as they tried to keep out the rain. The sky was dark, the clouds covering the stars and moon, leaving the world in darkness. The only thing that illuminated the area was the occasional flash of lightning, illuminating the Island and the forest around them.

It was quiet.

Too quiet.

And so cold.

They had left the main path, having lost themselves amongst the winding dirt paths leading deeper into the thick foliage. Now they were trekking across a grassy field with nothing but the sounds of crashing waves and rain falling on leaves that made it sound like music to their ears, the sound they welcomed wholeheartedly at that moment. Any sound that isn't that of their voice, they welcomed. The thunder, the strikes, and the raindrops, all too loud overpowered their heartbeats. The wind whipped around them, threatening to blow them right into the water and for a second there Alexander wished the wind would send them into the deepest part of the ocean and the fishes would somehow carry him Home, to Aquarial so that they wouldn't have to be apart.

Wishful thinking.

Alexander came to a halt, bringing Tide to stop with him. They have to speak. They have to face each other. Their last moment in this world would not end with them acting like fools instead of making the best out of the little time they have left. Slowly he picked his gaze up from the wet fields and very gently had them resting in the wetness that was now the eyes of his Merman.


Alexander cussed, as tears welled and began to spill from his eyes, rolling down his face with such vengeance as if they wanted to make him regret holding them back this long. Tide came closer and engulfed him in a warm embrace. A sob broke the silence between them as they held tightly together as if they feared they'd lose the other if they let go.

"I love you. I love you so much." Alexander whispered the words as his hold on the Merman grew tighter, not wanting to ever let go. "I have always known a day like this would come but was I prepared for it? No. I didn't want it to happen so I didn't think about it, didn't try to prepare my mind for it but I did try to wish it away, too many times, I did... but some things no matter how hard we tried or how badly we wish them not to be would certainly be and I suppose it is what we call fate and how cruel is fate, huh? Taking my Tide away from me..." Alexander pushed away from their embrace and stared deeply into the now glowing green eyes, the lightning strikes reflected perfectly within their depth, and like a wave crashing against a rock Alexander recognized the eyes staring back at him.

It didn't belong to only Tide, but Matthew's as well, and immediately a bitter cold whipped through his body, causing through his veins, sending waves on waves of shiver trickling deeply into his very core, igniting a certain part of his brain, a shock like wave struck against the dormant cells and Alexander pushed back a few feet, staring widely into those eyes. The rain ceased, the thunders and lightning too, slowly the moon creeped out from its hiding, casting its glow against Tide's skin, he was starting to transform, and sparkly scales filled his chest, casting some sort of beautiful coat against his skin, his fingernails grew longer, sharper, his pants melted away but his legs remained, his hair glowed with the moon and his ears pointy and when he opened his mouth to speak, Alexander could hear clearly the sound of Matthew's voice, speaking to him.

"My Alexandre, you will never be alone, I will always be with you. Whenever you desire to speak with me, just look into these eyes and I will be there, always, but Tide must go home, it is a promise we both made, it is our duty to serve Neptune and Aquarial but know this my Alexander, just as a Tideian belongs with his Neptune, I Matthew belong with you, Alexander, always have and always will and now you must permit me to return home for if you do not desire that I return then I shall stay but Neptune and Aquarial will continue to suffer from my absence." When he stopped speaking Alexander blinked back tears, his heart suddenly became peaceful, his Soul understanding and agreeing completely with what they had said to him.

He was ready to let him go because whether on Land or in Aquarial, Tide will always be with him. He was never leaving him. He is right here. He is Matthew.

"I love you, Alexander, I love you the most," Tide whispered and Alexander threw himself into the chest of the Merman who caught him with such ease it seemed as though he weighed nothing more than a feather and Alexander melted into his warmth, soaking up his intoxicating scent, breathing him in, imprinting his scent into memory, his heart began to raise, his body heating up, blood pumping so fast, Alexander became restless for more.

"How much time do we have?" He asked a little moan, a little whimper, his voice seductive.

"Hour or two but I can stay if you wish I stay longer," Tide replied, with one hand circling Alexander's thin waist and the other running gentle fingertips along Alexandre's jawline, his thumb stroking the cheekbone beneath his hand.

"Long enough for this," Alexander panted and pressed his lips into those of the Merman who inhaled sharply and deepened the kiss and Alexander moaned loudly that time.

Chasing Tide (A Merman's Tale And The Human Who Desired Him) Where stories live. Discover now