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Chapter: 117.

Easton watched his every move intently. His movements were precise and elegant yet at the same time they appeared graceful, his fingers deftly moved along the grapes as he twisted around them, it reminded him of an experienced gardener and he wonders if Michael is capable of doing such tasks with ease. Suddenly he turned and met his eyes, Easton averted contact and looked around them instead.

"This place is beautiful." He remarked softly.

"Thank you," Michael responded quietly. "But it's not always that simple. You see, beauty is at times a treasure trove and as with everything beautiful it also comes with its challenges."

"Do you see me as a challenge?"

"No..." He walked over to a grapevine and plucked a pinkish-white grape off it. I see you as a challenging distraction."

"Not just challenging but also a distraction." Easton frowned.

Michael reaches out and takes his hand. "Trust me, it's a compliment... here, try a grape."

"Aren't you going to feed it to me?" Easton teased but the man took it literally. Easton watched as he trapped the grape between his teeth then leaned into him until he could feel his breath fan across his nose, then a little forward, and Easton could feel the grape graze his lips. He opened his mouth slowly. As Easton bites into the grape he feels Michael's lips graze his lips in a tender kiss. His mind instantly went blank, his body became frozen stiff and his heart raced, his face burned and his ears rang. All he wanted to do was grab Michael and kiss him senselessly but he couldn't bring himself to do it. Instead, he stood shocked still. Michael pulled his mouth off and whispered. "Well?"

"That-" Easton panted, the grape nestled on his tongue.

Michael smirked knowingly and let out a chuckle. "Yeah... You're supposed to eat it now."

"Oh...Okay..." Easton muttered sheepishly, blinking a few times, trying desperately to remember how to breathe. Once his brain finally rebooted he began slowly chewing on the grape, letting it roll across his tongue and taste how sweet it was. He moaned quietly. The noise must have caught Michael off guard as the man laughed and grabbed hold of his waist.

"Don't moan." He whispered.

"But it's so sweet." He whined and Michael rolled over with laughter. "Why are you laughing?" He asked confusedly.

"Your reaction is priceless and cute."

"Mmmh, this is delicious."

"See." Michael chuckled smugly.

Easton noticed how the last of the day's sunlight causes the grapevines to sparkle. The whole place feels magical. Michael smiles down at him lovingly before turning away with a smirk.

"Come on, let's see the rest of our lovely vineyard." Easton followed him and they walked through a large stone archway which led onto a paved road lined with various grape vines and the trees around were thickly planted. They went down the road to another arch and then the next. As they continued through the field, their paths were crossed with several others and each time one person stopped and greeted Michael and Easton politely.

"I could live amongst these grapevines forever," Easton mumbled and Michael smiled.

"I have a surprise for you, I am almost positive you will like it." He gives Easton a knowing smile before he grabs a hold of his arm once again and Easton swallows, his touch feels so good, and he finds that he can't help but lean in towards his shoulder.

"Oh yeah! Now I'm intrigued." He replied, trying to sound nonchalant even though his cheeks burned redder than ever, he caught Michael smiling at him, making him raise his eyebrow.


"I find this nervous side of you very cute." Michael teased.

"Oh, shut up." Easton scowled playfully. "So you like making me all giddy?"

"Very much," Michael replied seriously. They continue following the road, past numerous trees and a few more workers. Michael leads him forward and Easton's excitement grows with each step. Something about Michael is alluring that Easton was starting to understand Alexander's suffering when Matthew wouldn't stop appearing at every corner of his eyes. They arrived at a wide-open area where some of Michael's men stood by an old wooden fence. "Alright, everyone please make way," Michael called out and the men stepped aside. The fence had vines climbing all over it and there was a path leading to it that was hidden from the public gaze by a bush. Michael motioned for Easton to walk in ahead of him as he walked around the corner, he gasped in delight.

Laid out in front of the grapevines is a romantic picnic, complete with a wicker picnic basket, China plates, and delicious-looking nibbles. On top sat a bottle of white wine and a glass. There were candles scattered throughout the small area and a lantern placed on a stand near it. Easton looked at the scene in awe.

"So, East. Do you like what you see?" Michael queried from behind.

Eyes widened. "I'm impressed. This must have taken you ages to prepare?"

"It took me a while. I may have had a little help." Michael confessed shyly. "But only because as strong as I am, I couldn't possibly carry that picnic basket alone."

Easton couldn't tell if he was joking or being serious, yet he found himself laughing nervously. "Wow, this is really something. Thank you... I don't know what to say."

"You don't need to thank me; we all need to start somewhere. Besides," he knelt on the blanket and reached for his wine glass then started to pour the wine. He does this in such a way that Easton finds himself mesmerized by him. Easton glances at the visible area of his chest and dampens his lips with his tongue. Michael looks up at him with widened eyes. "Do you have any idea how hot and bothered that tongue of yours gets me?" He murmurs and Easton blushes. He averts his eyes and clears his throat nervously.

"No, I do not." He returned as he elegantly sat down on the blanket and stroked him along his leg.

"I don't believe you. I think you know exactly how excited it gets me." Michael raises his brows in amusement. "That isn't helping." He chuckles as he holds out a glass of wine. Eager to tease him further, Easton stroked his hand along his leg and let out a soft moan. "You truly are something else." He gave him an unfaltering gaze as he offered him a glass of wine and Easton gratefully took the wine from him. As he takes his first sip he notices that he hasn't taken his eyes off him. Easton found his body yearning for him, so he took a larger sip of wine in distraction and then seductively wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

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