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Chapter: 149.

"I can't believe you're getting married," Lafayette said into the mirror where Alexander's face stared back. He was helping him get ready, while Easton stood in front of him adjusting his tie as always. A smile made its way across Alexander's lips but he didn't say a word. He still feels a bit hungover from last night. They had all dragged him around the city, dressed in a red bridal gown and massive makeup. He dragged the gown everywhere and it weighed a ton, his arms still hurt, then they made him tease dance in the clubs, did shots after shots, dared him to give Easton a lapdance then they made him eat some really weird food, going up against it wasn't an option and so he endured through their wicked idea of a bachelor party. They ended up leaving at dawn with no one sober, he barely got two hours of sleep and today is his wedding day and not to mention he hasn't seen Matthew in exactly twenty-two hours, thirty-four minutes, and six seconds, he was going crazy inwardly.

And yes, in case you were wondering, he was keeping time.

They took his phone so he wouldn't speak with him and he was sure Michael would have dragged his poor husband around like they did to him and he didn't even want to think about what they would make him do. He couldn't wait to walk down the aisle and see Matthew standing there waiting for him in his black tuxedo. When Easton pulled up the black suit jacket Alexander frowned and raised a questioning brow at his Bestman and Best friend. Wasn't he supposed to be in white and Matthew in black? Everything he had on was white, and why Easton is holding a black jacket instead of a white one confused him.

"Well, your hands?" Easton asked when he saw Alexander staring at him.

He blinked and frowned. "This isn't mine," Alexander replied, his frown deepened.

"Yes, it is." Easton insisted by shoving the jacket to his face.

"No, it's not," Alexander argued, pulling the jacket away from his face and checking the tag. "Ah-ha! See, right there, made specifically for Matthew, this is his, not mine." He stated triumphantly as if that should have been obvious.

"Yes," Easton muttered with a sigh. "I can see that." He finished sarcastically.

Lafayette rolled their eyes and brushed their fingers over their face to tuck in a stray strand of hair then they turned to the idiotic friends and yelled. "Oh, for fucks sake, we know it's not yours, but we are making you wear his and he wears yours, get it...geez!"


Rolling their eyes and sighing dramatically, Lafayette slapped him on the shoulder. "Why is it so hard to surprise you, oh my God!"

"Why are you making me wear his?" Alexander asked, annoyed, clearly not understanding them at this point.

"Do we really need to explain that?" John asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Give me that..." Lafayette took the jacket and without asking began to shove Alexander's hands into them. Alexander looked away from the mirror and glanced at Easton, who just shrugs his shoulders, before looking at Laf.

"See, it fits perfectly..." They said with a smirk and a smooth brush on the jacket. "Maybe, a little bigger, still, fits perfectly!" They chuckled.

"A little?!" Alexander asked incredulously. "It's a lot too big," He whined with a pout tugged at his lip. "What is wrong with you people?!"

"Oh shush it," John said with a frown.

"Why can't I just wear mine?" Alexander whined again.

Laf rolled their eyes, "You're such a child." They chided. Alexander sucked out his bottom lip and crossed his arms pouting again. Lafayette let out a laugh and gave Alexander a small peck on his nose. A quick knock came on the door interrupting further whines from Alexander and they turned to find Alice poking into the room with her girlfriend.

Chasing Tide (A Merman's Tale And The Human Who Desired Him) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora