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Chapter: 67.



"All of these creatures... wouldn't you say that they know their place?"

Knew their place? In the domain of the sea? "Sure. I'd say that much, at least." He answered cluelessly. Foolishly.

"Then, would you agree that it was only right that you knew yours?"


"If I knew my place?" Alexander could hear the shock in his voice, his face numb, and before he could register what was happening, he was lurching forward and being spun around, back pressed up against the glass. His eyes darted about the dark space, barely illuminated by the blue light of the tanks.

Everyone really had gone.

"While I chased and chased unceasingly you jumped right into bed with another man." He murmured.

"No, wait... It's more than that..."

"More than that?"

"I...I love Tide..."

"And me?"


Oh, shit. He was too close, too close to his face. Alexander could see all of his handsome features in stark definition despite the lighting, from the length of his lashes to the curve of his lips. Goddamn, he was beautiful. His pulse picked up, and the closer he drifted, the harder it was to breathe. He licked his lips and swallowed hard, but the words wouldn't come out.

"I said... what about me?"

Matthew's fingers wrapped about his wrists and trapped them above his head to the glass, his face inching closer until he could feel his warm breath. His lips parted, lids falling shut, but before Matthew's lips could fully press to his, he'd withdrawn and released his wrists. A couple of people filtered through but only one of them stuck around.

"Let's go." He declared, sliding his hands into his pockets before he'd turned to stride back from whence they had come. Alexander was still in shock, a fingertip brushing over his lips. It had barely been a kiss, but every inch of him had reacted. Alexander knew no one would be able to see in such dim lighting, but he could feel the warm flush on his skin. Before he left the jellyfish room, he had to adjust himself skillfully. Nobody needed to see that. His hardon was nobody else's business, least of all the jackass who'd left him hanging with it.

What was he trying to prove?

Why had he done that?

What purpose was he hoping to achieve?

Know his place?

And where was his place supposed to be?

With him?

With Tide?

But, Tide just like the fishes in the Aquarium belonged to the waters just like Tide belonged to the seas, to Aquarial whilst he, he belonged on the lands with...

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