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Chapter: 32.

"Wonder what facial expressions she would make when she finds out her husband has a twin and not only that but the twin is yearning for her ex!"

"I will be sure to take a photo for you." This had Easton laughing.

"Gee, thanks!" He cried.

"You are welcome, Easton." Easton nodded with a soft smile. "How is he faring?" Matthew asked.

"Better as long as nothing happens to spoil his cheerfulness." He told him.

"What spoiled it last time?"

"Allison told him Maria was pregnant."

"Oh, no,"

"I know,"

"I can imagine just how badly that would have hurt him."

"Told you he was nearly dead."

"Don't tell me how, I can't bear it."

Easton smiled nodding. "I will do my best to make sure he takes the job even if I have to blackmail him into doing it," Easton assured with a chuckle.


"Ah, don't worry, he may be your Alexander but he is also my Xander, I know him well." Seeing the uncertainty laced across Falcon's face, Easton knew he had to do better, the man was worried and didn't believe or understand the kind of blackmail he meant. He's worried about Xander.

How cute.

Easton mentally wheezed at the thought. "What I meant was, emotional blackmail, like this..." putting one hand on his waist, the other pointed at Matthew, then his expression twisted into that of hurt, he spoke while demonstrating. "If you do not take that job, Xander, I'll be fired! I'm going to lose my job because of you and end White Prince before she has even come to life! You're not going to do that to me, are you? I have worked so hard for this moment Xander and remember you need the money if you're going to get my little princess. How many more jobs will you reject until you're satisfied?!" Bowing as he finishes, his brows furrowed when he saw the priceless expression on Matthew's face.

Easton's bad theatrical performance had Matthew in a burst of loud laughter and it was the first time Easton had heard the sound of his laughter, it reverberated through him like the most intoxicating wine it made Easton chuckle.

"There is no way he would fall for that," Matthew said between laughter.

"Oh, he will alright, you didn't fall for it because you know my intent but he will since he doesn't know it's all a game to get him on board."

"Mon Dieu..." Matthew cried, he wouldn't stop laughing still, hand grabbed at the edge of the table while the other held his stomach. "My baby is the cutest." He whispered and to that Easton chuckled.

"If he falls for that, whatever you want just name it and it shall be yours!"

Easton laughed at the promise. "In that case, I shall be asking for that pendant around your neck. I can't help but notice it since you faced me, you had millions on your outfit yet that pendant seems oddly out of place and...cheap." Easton saw the man's left hand move quickly to his neck then tucked the pendant back into his tux.

"No, anything but that." He denied.

"I see you don't play a fair game. It was you who said anything you wanted just name it."

"I'm sorry, Easton but this is a family treasure, one that has been passed down from generation to generation. It can not be given away and you haven't performed for Alexander yet and he has not fallen for your poor tricks even so I shall not be granting this request."

"No, it's alright, I said that because I wanted to know why you would wear that on this!" He gestured to his current look and smiled. "Also, I needed to be certain it wasn't some gift from an ex-lover." He muttered with a lowered head.

"Ah, I see now, you are a tricky one, maybe Alexander would fall for your tricks after all.

"Without a doubt," Easton said with shoulders held high.

Matthew nodded and bowed slightly; it made Easton's heart raise. "Thank you, again, Easton, you're a good man." Easton returned the bow and nodded dismissively.

"It's nothing, Sir, but you're welcome."

"I found his home address and went looking for him but a stubborn old lady wouldn't speak nicely to me."

Easton chuckled. "Hah, I see you have met our famous Mrs. Takahashi, Xander's landlady." He informed him.

"Ah, I see."

"She's a lovely lady if you get to look beyond that facade she puts up."

"I'm sure she is." Matthew laughed.

"You wouldn't have found him there-"

"Why not?!" Matthew interrupted.

Easton laughed again, "I was going to tell you if you had let me finish." He smiled when he saw Matthew smirk and whispered his apologies. "I took him home. He's been living with me for months now, found him half-dead in his bathtub and so I couldn't risk it that time. I just brought him home. He slept for nearly two days but I'm glad he's all better now."


Easton watched him intently, he was going to say something but seemed to be holding back. Easton could take a wild guess of what he was going to say but decided against it.

"So, you have mentioned, W.P was inspired by him?"

Easton smirked. "Yes," he answered, deciding to tease the man a little more as he went on. "The morning I brought him home, I had been struggling for a name but then I opened the bedroom door and there he was, sleeping gracefully clouded amidst white sheets and pillows, it didn't help that he was dressed in white as well, the shorts I had changed him into the previous day-"


Easton nearly chuckled when he heard that. He waited for him to finish but didn't get any more words, he proceeded. "-So, it just clicked after that." All the while he spoke millions of expressions passed the man's face, there was jealousy, curiosity, anger, happiness, and mostly lust just to name a few. Easton was going off inside with joy.

Damn, baby, you're in trouble.

He thought.

Matthew didn't say any more words after that and Easton waited for what seemed like forever before he heard that possessive voice echo. "Well, that will be all." Falcon dismissed and while Easton turned to leave, Matthew's voice stopped him. "You will be hearing from Jacob soon, mind you, you're going to be very busy once W.P kicks off in a few days."

"Thank you so much, Falcon!" He nodded.

"One more thing?"


"You both are nothing but friends...yes?"


"Good, because I wouldn't be giving him up otherwise." He asserted and Easton smiled knowingly. He's been waiting for that claim.

"Of course."

"See you around, Mr. Easton."

"Likewise, Falcon." With that said, he disappeared, shutting the door behind him.

Matthew casually walked back to his chair and sat down, facing his wall once again, only this time, a smile so prominent graced his face so much that it almost seemed painful.

You're mine pussycat.

All mine.

You have had enough playtime.

It's my turn.

I've waited long enough.

One more day and I might just go insane.

The feelings of the man in the office.

Chasing Tide (A Merman's Tale And The Human Who Desired Him) Where stories live. Discover now