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Chapter: 108.

"You swim too fast, wait up!" Tide called to his excited friend. "Alexander!" He yelled using magic to swim faster and in the process crashing into the other laughing merman. "You know I have a duty to keep under the sea, why do you always pull me ashore like this," Tide asked as he pinned the other into the sands, their tails linked and lips nearly touching.

The blue merman smiled, using his tail to knock the other off him before transforming his tail into legs. Tide watched in awe as he transformed into a human, just like the first time he had watched him transform before his eyes, he couldn't stop himself whenever he saw this, his reactions stayed the same. Alexander ran toward the rock he had hidden their changing clothes and grabbed them. After the first day before they returned to Aquarial, Alexander had asked that they hide the clothes there for next time and since then they only changed into those clothes. Tide shook his head at the memories as he watched him shove his legs into his pants he turned toward the still lying merman and called. "Are you coming or you're just going to lie down here and stare at him all day?" Tide laughed, transformed, and jogged toward him to get into his clothes.

"You know I can makeshift new outfits for us, we don't have to keep wearing the same old ones... the humans know us by our clothes now, they consider us, what do they call it?" Tide asked with raised brows and Alexander laughed.


"Yes, that word," he hissed. "By the gods I hate it!"

Alexander burst into a ruckus of laughter. "Oh, Tide, what kind of a beggar looks like that?" He pointed to Tide. "If I were human and I found a beggar like you, I would steal you away and hide you in my underground dungeon but not as my prisoner but as my lover to be well cared for." Speaking without thinking again, Tide watched the Merman with an intensity so great it made Alexander shudder.

"Then why keep the beggar locked away like a prisoner if you love him so much, you can still keep him under your care yet free to wander?" Tide asked, getting closer to the merman.

"Because I do not wish that any should look upon his godlike face nor lust after him," Alexander whispered, feeling Tide's heat flush into his trembling skin.

"Funny," Tide groaned. "Sometimes I want to do the same to you." He leaned in and captured his lips. Alexander inhaled and closed his eyes settling into his arms as they were wrapped around him, Tide deepened the kiss and moaned when he heard him whimper but he had only just started when Alexander pushed him away.

"That's enough," Alexander whispered with an aroused voice and Tide obeyed. 

Moving away from the trembling merman he smiled and decided to lighten the mood with a more soothing topic. "So, why won't you let me shift us other clothes? It couldn't be that you forgot my magic could do that, could it?" He teased.

"Shut up, and I love these ones better," Alexander smirked, pulling on a white shirt. He tied the drawstring and pulled it tight to button it up.

"Because it's a gift from me."

"I won't answer that," Alexander whined and Tide chucked "You ready for the adventure to come!?" Alexander asked with a grin.

"I'm ready for anything as long as I am doing it with you," Tide responded smiling, taking in how adorable Alexander looked. The merman brushed his hand behind his left ear as he blushed embarrassed. Tide smiled, and approached him, close enough, he ran his fingers through his hair and fixed it, smoothing out any twists left by the sea. Once done with his hair he stretched out his hand and Alexander grabbed onto him as they proceeded to walk away from the beach and into the old town. Carriages filled the roads, beggars sat at the corners of stores, wandering children played around in circles and women gathered in a shop whispering gossip as they walked by.

Years have passed since their first visit and Atana has confessed to her father about her love for the human. The confession brought about a likeness for the human world and Atana created the part for both humans and Merfolks to co-exist with each other. Many Merfolks were getting married to the humans and in the Old Town beauties filled the streets, colorful humans bred by Merfolks made the Town the most popular amongst its neighbors. It was a good time they shared and for years it seemed it would last forever. It was during this time that Tide realized Alexander's love for the humans and their world only grew stronger and stronger while he still refused his love. He always wants to be a part of their world but there was one problem. He's only a merman who can only stay amongst them but for a short while, it doesn't matter how many of their kind are married to the humans, they often return to the Seas to replenish their magics and strengthen their Soulpearl.

Tide's love for Alexander grew deeper and his longings overwhelmed him and no matter how much Alexander pushed him away and denies his true feelings for him, he would often remember his words at the school, years ago when he had talked about the fishes and the fishermerman's trap, he had confessed his love to him that day and ever since, he has waited for more but none has come and the more he tried to show him the farther he ran from him.

It worries him for years until now, while they ran around the cold Old Town seeking the next adventure, he lost Alexander and when he found him, he was in the arms of a certain human boy. His rage had risen far beyond what he could control and when he struck, the human vanished into smoke and Alexander cried for the human.

They returned to the Seas and Alexander ignored him for another Season until the day of the Mountain Tears Festival when they run into each other once again thanks to Naga.


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