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Chapter: 102.

Matthew felt a sudden chill breeze caress his skin as he slept. Exhausted from their special moment, he didn't think much of it, so he simply just pulled the covers tighter around him, while reaching to pull Alexander closer to himself. He had only just gotten comfortable when he felt that cold nipping at his feet and hands that were hidden underneath his comforter. He shivered, rolling over in bed, and slowly pairing his eyes open. Why had it become so chilly so quickly? He wondered but not for long as just sitting at the edge of the bed is his other half, smiling down at him and Alexander.

"Tide," He called, getting into a sitting position and slowly prying himself away from Alexander as gently as he possibly could so he wouldn't wake him up.

Tide smiled and shook his head. "He won't be waking up any time soon, you don't have to be so gentle with him, believe me, when he's tired and out, it could be compared to a sleeping lazy clam." He said and Matthew, catching the meaning behind his words, chuckled softly and rose from the bed, with a little stretch he approached the Merman.

"I was starting to wonder why it got so cold so suddenly..." He bent to wrap his arms around the Merman. "You always like to make an entrance." He whispered close to his ears.

"You know, before now I have always wondered why I did, but now it is starting to make sense, it appears to be that it is you who likes to make an entrance, you just passed it on to me." Tide corrected and Matthew laughed again.

"Is it time?" Matthew more than stated than asked and a frown crossed his lips when he saw Tide nod.

"You have preserved the pendant well," Tide commented.

"Thank you," Matthew smiled gratefully. "It is Atana's SoulPearl after all and our destiny." Matthew exposed the pendant to Tide who smiled as he looked upon the glowing Soulpearl within its glass concealment.

"And so is he," Tide muttered glancing toward the sleeping Alexander. "We have done so much just so we can be with him... If only I can stay as well, but I do not need to stay to be a part of your world and lives, we are one Soulpearl, we share and feel everything." His voice cracked and Matthew blinked burning tears away from his eyes.

"You know, I didn't remember so much about Aquarial growing up, it was after Grandma passed the pendant and the other treasures into my care that I began to remember, all of it, everything made sense, before then, I would often see you when I take Grandma to the sea but you'll often hide away from me and suddenly you stopped showing yourself to me and my confusion grew, I thought you stopped thinking about me, I thought you forgot about me, even I began to questions my purpose, my love, all of it, years past and I began to feel as if none of these memories were real, you, him, me, none..." He turned away from Tide so he didn't see him shamelessly cry.

It was a scary time, trying to understand himself, these feelings, what they meant, he thought he was crazy, he knew something was missing but he just couldn't pinpoint what that missing part was exactly. At least he tried to remember him. One look into those sea-green eyes and he knew him instantly. How could he forget such a beautiful creature appearing and disappearing at will whenever he sat by the rocks listening to the sounds of the waves and of his grandmother telling him stories of Aquarial?

But, after his grandmother died and he was old enough to take over the company, he bought his first boat and had often spent days, months out to sea hoping he would catch a glimpse of the Merman but nothing happened. Then slowly his memories began to fade like it was never there from the beginning and he slowly began to forget the merman, the sea-green eyes, and tails that glimmered in the sun, all of it. They faded like unworthy memories and he left them there.

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