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Chapter: 105.

Tide looked out his classroom window to find the happy Merman swimming in circles down below. A smile crossed his lips as he saw him and just instantly Alexander looked up and locked gaze with Tide who waved at him and he waved back, beckoning him to come down quickly. Tide chuckled, he's got work to do of course he can't just leave his students and run off with him but in truth that was all he wanted to do but sadly he wouldn't, so instead he summoned a soulbutterfly and whispered a message into it then sent it forth to Alexander. He stood by the window and watched the soulbutterfly settle in the waiting palms of Alexander and smiled when he saw the merman look up at him with a knowing smirk.

Alexander after the blind incident he and Tide had grown inseparably close. He realizes he is always wanting to be closer to the Tideian, he is always coming after him whenever his work would allow, chasing Tide, to his home, to the History school and just about everywhere he has learned Tide loves to visit. Like, the little lake pond he often visits to feed little gold fishes, or Scytis to visit his Merfairy friend, or he will be going into Ebilor to deliver messages to the Elder Elve. Alexander knows it all and so whenever he is told the Tideian went into a certain place, he knows just where to look for him.

He knows his routine like he knows the flaps of his tail and he followed him around everywhere although he could almost tell what he feels toward the Tideian yet he wouldn't bring himself to fully chase those feelings and overwhelming desires knowing that as a Tideian he will live longer than he would and when he dies, Tide would remain lonely for the rest of his existence and he wouldn't want that and not only that, he still couldn't get the idea that a Tideian loves his Neptune above all other and in as much as he knew Tide cares for him, he knew it would never be like the love he holds for Neptune, yes he is selfish for not wanting to share but these many reasons stops him from chasing his Tide as deeply and as strongly as he would want to.

But if he can spend time with him like this every day, even if it was just a minute or two now and then, then that is enough for him, even if he wouldn't fully chase his feelings, who says there was harm in letting their friendship grow? And for that he sought him every single day and Tide seems to enjoy his company as much as he did and just like every other day he was waiting below his class window for him and as soon as he saw the soulbutterfly he chuckled and opened his palm and slowly the messenger nestled into his palm and he brought it close to his ear to listen to the mixture of sounds like the Whispering Ghosts of Merlona, the soulbutterfly gave his message.

'You just know how to come at odd times, even worse, you make my Soulpearl beat faster whenever I see your face... Tell me, Alec, why won't you accept my love.'

Once the message was delivered the soulbutterfly scattered into fairy dust and floated away. Alexander looked up once again but Tide was gone from the windows, he frowned when he didn't see him, swimming higher he approached the window but upon peaking into the classroom he discovered it was empty, his frown spread across his face and he grunted annoyingly and returned to his previous position.

'Why won't you return my love'

He hissed at the message from Tide, he has asked that question to him once too many times and his answers have always been the same.

'Ask me again tomorrow'

He would often tell him. The last time he had asked was three days ago when he had gone to Scytis to look for Tide after he was told by his mother that he left with Nexie for an urgent matter.


Alexander didn't bother to call Tide first he simply went his way to the City of Scytis. It wasn't that much of a distance and it didn't take long for him to get to the glowing gates of Scytis. Always guarded by two Merfaires. He had approached the giant gates of the city and had fought with the Merfairies by the gate who wouldn't let him through for some reason.

"You know me, I come here to visit all the time. Why won't you let me in?!" He fought but they ignored him. "Hey, you know this is against the law to stop any MerFolk from visiting any of the cities well except for Glasa who would want to visit Glasa but you know what I mean, let me through or I will report this incident to Neptune, you know I'm friends with the Tideian of the Seas!"

"I'm sorry, Alexander, it is not my wish to keep you at the gates, but the Queen instructed it and we must obey her, look..." The Merfairy pointed behind him to the city and Alexander looked and saw how empty the streets were, his brows furrowed in confusion and lips twisted into a frown. "No one is allowed outside their homes until the curse is removed."

"Hmm," Alexander hummed and so he stood by the gates overlooking the beautiful flower-coated city, beautiful tree lines and colorful fairy houses filled the city, but not a single Merfairy could be seen. It wouldn't be his first time to visit Scytis but it was the first time they wouldn't let him in, although they seem to have a reason for it yet he couldn't help being annoyed by it all. He hasn't seen Tide in two days, he was desperate. Muttering to himself he paced the gates. As if Tide knew he was waiting for him, a soulbutterfly appeared before him and he opened his palm to welcome it, pressing it gently to his ears, he heard his message.

'Just a moment, a Merwitch is trapped within the walls we are getting her out, it's too dangerous to come in and you are my distraction'

Fuming after he heard the last word he summoned his own butterfly and sent it forth with an irritating message.


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