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Chapter: 124.

Adam scoffed. "How do you even know that Michael will agree to that?" Adam asked, annoyed again. "He is a selfish prick, he never cared about anyone but himself!"

"Because he loves that little girl," Lorenzo answered calmly.

Adam threw his arms into the air in frustration. "That's insane!" He cried. "The Michael I know never loved anyone but himself, he doesn't even like kids that's how bad he is!"

"Maybe the Michael you knew then." Lorenzo countered, crossing his arms. "Michael may not have liked kids then but not now, he's bonded with that little girl so much he would not want any harm to come to her."

Adam scoffed. "Why am I finding this so hard to believe? In case you have forgotten this is Michael fucking Clayton we are talking about, I was one amongst eight models invited to his island that year, and in the three weeks we spent with him, four of us me included, fell head over heels in love with this man, but he wouldn't give us as little as a second glance only when he's fucking you does he look into your eyes, merely because he wants to remember the face he's fucking since obviously, he doesn't fuck anyone twice, but we had all we ever needed, paid us good freaking money too and I lost my career because of him, he's a selfish bastard and I find it hard to believe that he could love anymore. He's not capable of love."

"First of all, don't get over yourself baby, remember, you got carried away by the money you got from that trip you drove your expensive whip drunk and crashed, thus the mark on your face and the end to your career, your face was your selling point and once you scarred it, there was nothing left." Lorenzo pointed out.

Adam opened his mouth to argue but closed it again when the memory flashed through his mind. Although, it was his choice to drive drunk but at twenty-two, and having gotten that much money and cars like those, who could say that Michael wasn't putting them up for their death, huh? Stuff like that can mess with people's minds so, in the end, he still blamed the man. Only one out of eight still held their career after that vacation so that's saying something. It doesn't matter if he drove drunk or not, Michael is a life ruiner and who knew just how many young men and women whose lives he ruined. And someone like that is who Enzo says loved a child. Impossible! But, he wasn't about to start an argument over Michael, there's an important one to tackle right in front of them so he settled for a simple. "You're right, still doesn't mean a man like that would change so suddenly."

Lorenzo smiled at him reassuringly, grabbing his hand and squeezing it. He brought it up to kiss his knuckles. "Scar or no scar, you will always be the most beautiful man for me, and when I tell you Michael has bonded with that little girl I meant every word and I have proof." Lorenzo walked towards his box to retrieve his camera. "Come here," He beckoned as he flipped it open and played the needed video for him. Adam nodded slowly, trying to ignore the fact that his insides were twisting uncomfortably.

He walked toward him and stood by his side then he watched on the tiny screen the picture of Michael rolling around in white sands along a very happy giggling little girl like they were both eight years old. He chased her around the playground playing hide and seek, and rode on cars and motorcycles with her, played more games, winning her a huge cuddly panda plushie, which he gave the little girl who took it with excitement then cuddled it close with a grin. A few more games here and there and the video goes to show them eating snacks, cotton candy, and drinking way too many beverages while laughing so loud. They were the only ones at the theme park aside from the workers and Adam didn't need to be told that he obviously bought the park out for however many hours they spent there. The show-off. Once he had seen the video, Adam couldn't believe what he saw but this was proof enough that Michael may have bonded with the girl.

"How did you get the footage? There's no one else in the park but bodyguards and workers." Adam asked and nearly regretted why he asked once he caught Lorenzo giving him one of his infamous proud smirks.

"I have my ways." He winked at him and the other shook his head.

"I should not have asked." He muttered with a chuckle. "You might be right but then it means you're going to kidnap a child?" Adam asked incredulously. "You might be going away for life if you're caught."

Lorenzo smirked. "Not if I don't get caught."

"What makes you think you're safe? This is Michael we are talking about, he's not stupid."

"I'm not stupid either," Lorenzo said and Adam stared at him blankly.

"He could kill you."

"Not when I hold his daughter hostage."


"He's not going to hurt me without knowing where his daughter is, I have this all mapped out, just sit back and watch me win," Lorenzo replied, turning the camera off and slipping it into his bag.

"I don't want to go to prison."

"Have I ever gotten you into trouble before?"

"It's starting to look like this will be the first time."

Lorenzo chuckled and pulled the man into his arms, kissing his forehead affectionately. "I promise I'll take care of everything." He whispered in his ear. "Trust me, Adam, it will all be worth it." He said seriously.

Adam looked at him for a minute longer before sighing. "Alright, I'm trusting you." They kissed one last time and Lorenzo led him toward the bathroom. "Let's get you washed up, you smell like me, no matter how many times or how hard I wipe, you always smell like me." He teased and Adam punched him playfully.

"Shouldn't you be proud, huh? You've ruined me for anyone else." Adam murmured, as he walked slowly in front of Enzo.

"That was the plan, babe." Lorenzo slapped his cheeks and the other jumped a little and he laughed, guiding him into the shower stall. After a few moments of washing up, he began rinsing the soap suds from Adam's body. "You need to relax, I'll do all the work." Adam smiled slightly and nodded as he sat down on the edge of the bathtub. Once he was dried and dressed, Lorenzo took the towel away from him and wiped his hair dry for him, combing it through gently to ensure its softness before he tied it into a ponytail, grabbing Adam's hand and pulling him away from the tub. Adam let himself be guided away from the bathroom and into the bedroom. They had just gotten dressed and ready to leave when they both paused at a sudden knock on the door.

Adam met his lover's eyes and Lorenzo as if reading the questions in his eyes shrugged and answered. "No, baby, I'm not expecting anyone." He proceeded to walk toward the door while Adam sat on the bed and waited.

Lorenzo peeped through the peephole and a frown spread across his face at who he saw standing in front of his door. He turned around to face Adam who immediately stood up at the sudden expression spreading fast across his face.

"It's Maria." He muttered to him and Adam raised a brow.

"What is she doing here?" He muttered back.

"Get in the bathroom, I'll lead her away and you can leave, I will call you once she leaves." Adam nodded and ran into the bathroom. Lorenzo gave him time to settle in before he pushed the door open, still wearing a frown on his face he shut the door quickly, so fast Maria didn't even get a peek of the room and walked away toward the stairs, leaving Maria no choice but to hurriedly run after him. Sitting on the edge of the bathtub, Adam took in a deep breath, he gave them a good few minutes before he too left the room a little dejected. He just couldn't wait until all this is over and he can have his Enzo all to himself again.

Chasing Tide (A Merman's Tale And The Human Who Desired Him) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن