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Chapter: 43.

Tide turned to find the man standing at the edge of the pool. He watched him from toes to head, looking at him intently, watching the way his eyes blinked, chest heaved, fingers trembled, and legs slightly shook, the man was nervous. He looked behind the man to find the other pointing something towards him.

He wondered what it was.


He returned his gaze to the first man who had just spoken to him. The pendant around his neck glowed once the second man had gotten closer, it was the same the Merfaires had gifted him with on the day he visited Atana's resting bed. He wondered why it glowed and so he watched its light grow brighter, so great was its brightness that Alexander and Easton covered their faces when the light became painful to the eyes. Then the pendant broke into thousands of sparkles, creating a cocoon around them and while both men watched in astonishment at the beauty surrounding them, Tide saw the face of Atana flashing from that of the man holding the stick-like thing pointed at him.


He wondered, why was she showing herself through this strange man. If anyone understood Land dwellers that one was Atana and if she pointed this man to him then it means the man was the reason the pendant had broken into sparks of light which means neither him nor the first man meant him harm. Now while one held Atana's face in his, the other stood bright and handsome. It made his soulpearl throb and he smiled.

The lights soon faded and darkness shadowed them once again.

Tide returned his gaze to where the pendant was laid but found it vacant. The pendant was gone. Its purpose was fulfilled. Now, it's left for him to find Atana's Soulpearl and clearly these men would lead his way. Thank you Atana. "Hello..." Tide called to both of them and they jumped back at his sudden ability to speak what they understood.

Putting his gun aside, Easton walked fast to stand beside Alexander and stared down into the pool with the merman in it. He gasped when he noticed the glow from the tail dimming causing both Alexander and Tide to look down into the pool.

Tide's tail was merging into two long slender legs.

And the legs were rather too long.

Once the transformation was over, Tide offered one hand and Alexander grabbed onto it and helped pull him out of the pool. He took a while before he was balanced on his feet. His face even held disgust at the legs he now stood on.

"Weird, right." Alexander nudged him softly, distracting his mind from the legs.

"How do you walk on these?" He asked while wobbling on both feet.

"We don't have a choice in the matter, we are just born that way," Alexander replied with a chuckle. "Just as you are born with tails and gills and fins... you know just put one leg after the other you'll be fine." He nodded encouragingly at the scowling Merman. "Your hair is magnificent!" Alexander added, admiringly.

"You got legs now!" Easton asked between laughter and wail. "How is that possible, He's got legs, Xander, and he's fucking naked!" He yelled taking in the merman fully. He looked like a porcelain doll, as smooth as a silicone from the chest down, like a robot. "Wow!" He gasped.

"My name is Alexander and this is my best friend East, he is mad because you melted his house."

"Oh," the merman tilted his head to the side. "I can fix it." They watched the doll-like man walk in front of them and pointed his finger at the puddle on the grass and just like they had melted they returned as they once were. The action left both Alexander and Easton in another shock-like state.

"This can't be real." Easton slapped his face a few times. "First he melted my house, then his pendant glowed and turned to stardust, then he spoke in English and grew legs and now my melted house is unmelted!"

"Easy buddy," Alexander grabbed his arms and pulled him in for a hug. "He is a Merman, remember that." He whispered into their hug and Easton nodded erratically.

He found it a little weird that Alexander was exceptionally calm with all these... But then again, one of them had to be sane.

"My name is Tide and my lover Roan. He wanted me dead, he fed me a poisoned apple and I wrestled sharks for days before I found myself trapped above the surface."

"Whoa, so there are jerks under the sea too," Alexander muttered.

"Oh, spare me the righteous spiel," Tide said with a scowl.

"Excuse me!" Easton challenged.

"Don't pretend you humans are any different. Corruption, murder, deceit, desperate to do anything you can to stay alive by stepping on the backs of others."

"What are you saying?" Alexander asked, facing the Merman.

"Your Kind killed Atana, a princess from Aquarial, stole her blood to cure your diseases, and not only that your Kind sailed the seas in their hundreds deceiving and capturing our Kind and killing them for their blood, your Kind is despicable!"

"I'm sorry that happened with you and your Kind but I have never seen a merman in my entire life nor have I heard or learned of any who knew of your Kind. We consider you... myths." Alexander enunciated slowly with great concern.

"Myths..." Tide sulked.

"You know what that means right?" Easton asked.

"Of course, I know what it means, the Merfairies made it seem that way."

"Mer what?" Alexander asked but before Tide could answer Easton blurted.

"Yeah, and with what you said about your lover I think we can all agree that corruption, deceit, and murder also apply to your Kind as well and you melted my house when I've only just helped you!"

"And I fixed it, I thought you were trapped and needed help!" Tide fought back and Alexander's facepalmed.

"Alright, little children... It's bedtime!" He shoved them towards the house. "It's a handful dealing with one Easton and it would cost my fucking life if I have to deal with two!" He grumbled as he shoved them through the glass doors. "Now, nobody talks, I'm going to bed."

Chasing Tide (A Merman's Tale And The Human Who Desired Him) Where stories live. Discover now