"You know it gorgeous." He said ending it with a wink before looking back down at what he was doing. Vivian rolled her eyes with a smile a bit of pink coloring her cheeks. Sydney sighed at that same churning feeling.

"Don't forget I'll be there too princess." Sydney said shooting Vivian a smile and noticing the pink had doubled at the nickname, if someone else noticed they didn't mention it.

"For the record I hate that plan." Tara said flashing her light to the forest again. She liked the fact that she'd be with Scott but she didn't like separating from the others. Especially Vivian, who for the most part has done her best to make sure Tara is safe.

"Stop, stop," Stiles said when his shovel hit a solid object. The three threw their shovels off to the side and knelt to the ground whipping away the rest of the dirt. Vivian and Tara peering into the hole aiming their flashlights to where their hands were.

Under the dirt was a cloth tied together with multiple pieces rope. Stiles started undoing them and was taking way too much time in Sydney's opinion. "Hurry up."

"I'm sorry, but he tied this with like 900 knots." Stiles said causing Sydney to join in.

"I'll do it." Scott said their hands now pushing against each other while they all untiled the many knots keeping the cloth together.

Finally all the knots were untied and they unraveled the cloth to reveal a dead wolf. The three jumped out of the hole screaming. Tara screaked and hid her head in Vivian's chest, who couldn't keep her eyes off of the dead wolf. She just froze, she looked over at Stiles with a panicked expression.

"What the hell is that?" Sydney asked with panic in her voice.

"It's a wolf." Scott answered in the same state as Vivian.

"I can see that." Sydney said with aggravation.

"I thought you said you smelt blood, like human blood." Stiles said in the same tone as Sydney.

"I told you something was different." Scott said, Sydney didn't know how he could even tell the difference.

"This doesn't make sense." Stiles said. Vivian nodded looking around quickly while trying to calm Tara down.

"We have to get out of here." Sydney said letting panic show in her voice. Stiles looked over at Vivian who hadn't spoken in awhile. He saw that her eyes had locked onto a plant a few feet away.

"What's wrong?" Scott asked when he saw they both had their eyes on the purple flower.

"You see that flower?" Stiles asked making Tara finally pull her head away from Vivian and look over at what they were talking about, intentionally avoiding the dead animal below.

"Yeah, what about it?" Scott asked looking over with Sydney.

"It's wolfsbane." Vivian said still looking at it while the other were looking at her.

"What's that?" Sydney asked vaguely remembering Vivian ranting about it when they were 11. vaguely.

"Haven't you ever seen the wolf man?" Tara asked a confused look on her face. After getting a shake from Sydney and Scott she continued. "Lon Chaney Jr.? Claude Rains?"

"The original, classic werewolf movie." Stiles elaborated.

"No, what?" Scott questioned

"You are so unprepared for this." Vivian commented while Stiles got up to investigate the rest watching him intently. He grabbed the plant by the roots and pulled it up to find it connected to a rope. Stiles kept pulling it and went in circles around the hole. They all followed him with their eyes. Scott cast a glance back down at the wolf only to see it had changed

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