☆ Another One Takes The Bite ☆

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Mikayla looked over at Allison as she parked the car. They had stopped at a gas station, it was pretty empty, it was late. Before Allison got out of the car, Mikayla grabbed her arm. "Thank you for the ride, again."

"It's really no problem." Allison said with a smile. "It was on my way."

"Still." Mikayla said before Allison laughed slightly and got out of the car. She let herself look out the window for a few minutes before the humidity and heat in the car got to her. Mikayla opened her door to let some air in and closed her eyes.

She almost feel asleep until she felt arms around her waist and a bag over her head.


When the bag was pulled off her head a gag was shoved into her mouth. She was tied to a chair with Allison next to her. Allison's breathing was quick and she was looking around quickly with fear in her eyes. Mikayla was trying to take deep breath and thinking of all the ways she's seen people escape in tv shows when she saw Chris tied to a chair in front of her.

Allison seemed to have seen him too. His movements weren't as frantic, but all three of them were still trying to escape their binds. Mikayla and Allison were starting to cry at this point. No deep breaths saving Mikayla.

She almost tilted her chair over before a mans voice came out out of nowhere. "Have you ever wondered what happens if a hunter gets bitten, girls?"

They both looked around the room they were in. It was the living room of the Hale House. "Have you ever wondered what happens when you get bitten?"

Chris was still struggling, Allison doing the same. Mikayla had given up and was whimpering to herself with tears in her eyes and a random man's voice in her ears.

"What do you think your father would do, Allison?" The man said again. Allison has stopped struggling, listening to the mans words and looking at her dad with concern and fear. "What do you think he'd have to do, Mikayla?"

Allison looked over at Mikaya now. She was taking deep breaths, trying to keep herself calm while Allison kept her eyes on her friend. Mikayla looked at Chris, where Allison's eyes had just been, he was struggling like a wild animal. Almost like he was feral. The voice had gone quiet as Chris broke the chair in half with his struggling. Allison looked back over at him. Her and Mikayla with matching wide eyes.

Chris ripped his arms from his binds and took the gag out. He held his arm out and a man handed him a phone, it was a voice recording. "When all it would take is one bite to change everything."

Allison rolled her eyes at him, disgust filling her face. Mikayla slammed her foot on the ground, annoyance and anger filling her as Chris kept talking. "One bite and everything changes."

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