☆ *Trying* To Get Out of First Line ☆

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Tara woke up in Stiles bed. She had fallen asleep on Vivian's shoulder while waiting for Scott to get back. Vivian was still asleep leaning on her own shoulder while Stiles was sleeping in his desk chair. Tara felt bad for taking over his bed but then was distracted by why they had taken over his bed. She scrambled off the bed and grabbed her phone checking it for any messages. In her haste she woke up Vivian who then also looked at her phone. They both didn't have any messages from Scott so while Vivian went to wake up Stiles, Tara immediately went for his phone. No messages either.

While Stiles and Vivian were both still half asleep, Tara was fully awake and on a mission. "We need to find Scott. Who knows if he got home."

"He's probably still asleep, or in the woods. That's where he woke up last time." Vivian theorized while stretching distracting Stiles for a second before he had his keys thrown at him.

"Let's go!" Tara said rushing out of the room before coming in a second later. "I should change first."

"There you go."


While they were leaving Stiles room to find Scott they passed Sydney who was also leaving her room. Probably to go do something with Lydia. While all of them paraded passed Sydney laughed to herself before commenting. "Are you all going to your clown car?"

"Sure are." Vivian said stopping in front of Sydney confusing her.

"Really?" Sydney asked. Vivian looked over at the other two and as they both turned the corner so they were out of sight she added.


"There's the Vivian I know." Sydney said with a sarcastic tone. Vivian sighed giving her a cold look before she noticed that Sydney looked like she hadn't sleep and was cradling her arm. Her eyes softened slightly.

"You okay?" Vivian asked quietly. Sydney scoffed and pushed past her wincing when her healing arm came in contact with Vivian's.

"I'm fine." Sydney said in a cold tone. "Aren't you supposed to go to the circus with the rest of the clowns."

"You know we're going to look for Scott." Vivian said while Sydney stayed facing away from her. "If you need anything you know where to find me."

While Vivian walked away, Sydney called out to her just before she could turn the corner. "I saw him in the woods last night."

"Thank you." Vivian said turning the corner and meeting Tara and Stiles at the jeep.

"What took you so long." Stiles asked as they all climbed into the jeep.

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