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We walked along the roofs of the bustled city below, sweetly holding hands while overlooking the citizens pace around and scream in terror. I've never entered someone's dream alongside with Enmu before, it was a truly beautiful experience being in control inside someone's hallucinations of horrific sleep, and having my lover by the side just added on to the euphoric pleasure of my sadism.

"You pulled me out of the dream at the end, right?" I questioned, witnessing some flashbacks before I woke up.

"Mhm, the dimension began to shrink once you destroyed the spiritual core, it's a normal process when someone dies while dreaming, meaning that if you're inside your victim's subconsciousness and don't wake yourself up in time, you may as well be erased from the face of Earth along with the dream. That's why I usually get some recruits to do the job for me and reward them with ever-lasting dreams in return~"

"I see... How interesting...~ You really do know a lot about how dreams are built~ Tell me, did you study about this back in your past as a human?" I asked with a genuinely curious face, eyes shining from intrigue and hands quivering in anticipation for an answer.

"Hm...~ Almost.~ I did study psychology back then, but what I actually did was misuse things like hypnotic therapies, as well as convincing patients who didn't have long to live that they had recovered their health, and I kept doing that, how people called it, "horrible" scam over and over again, despite not being a doctor"

"Wow, you really had no mercy at all~ My human life really varies from yours, in fact I was doing the complete opposite rather than you"

"Really?~ Tell me about it then, I'm interested~" He replied, smoothly jumping down to an alleyway and holding out his hand to me as a sign of help.

"You see, I was actually a demon slayer in the past... Which seems quite odd, I might say, but I really had no choice when I was turned into a demon, I begged for it anyways. I aimed to become a hashira one day and worked in the butterfly mansion at times, so I have some knowledge on basic medical skills" I explained as we walked along the dark narrow streets, making our way to a more peaceful side of the city.

"The butterfly mansion? You haven't told me about that before.. What did you do there?"

"The majority of my work was healing others, sometimes I'd run errands and assist in watching over the injured patients. I also had to offer training regiments to facilitate the recovery process and help the injured demon slayers reach top condition again"

A few memories slipped through my head, making me remember the peaceful times I had when I was younger. I strolled through the streets with a bright smile on my face, lightly blushing from the warm nostalgic feelings overwhelming me.

"You're different from other demons, your backstory seem so much more... Happier than the rest of the twelve kizuki" Enmu said, facing down to the ground as we walked out to an empty zen park and stopped by a clear glowing pond.

"That's only what it seems like at first glance, but I won't go into details, I don't want to ruin such a beautiful atmosphere...~" I replied as we continued our way further into the garden.

I glanced around the area full of blooms and bamboo trees, along with distant silhouettes of people walking around the park. White roses glistened from the lights of the shining stone tōrō lanterns, pale hyacinths flowed in the light breeze, and delicate fragrant lotus flowers floated in the warm water near the smooth stone path we wandered across.

The liquid reflected the crystal-like blooms, creating glimmering patterns in the water around us. It was so peaceful as we trailed further while the sounds of a trickling stream behind us was only thing that could be heard in the background. It felt so paradisiacal... It sort of reminded me of Douma's breathtaking temple.


As we made it over to the center of the park, Enmu bought us some mitarashi dango on our way to a quiet corner of the garden, without any people, any lighting, just the flowing grass, muted crickets, and the glittery night sky. He wrapped his arm around my waist as me made it through a forest like terrain, which then revealed an incredibly ravishing valley.

I leaned my head onto his shoulder as I examined the field of flowers surrounding me, it felt so warm and peaceful to stand and listen to the muted notes of the calming zen music coming from the depths of the park while pure rays of the moon fell upon the two of us, faintly glazing us in it's dusty light. I looked up at the glistening sky and watched a pattern of meteors slice the dark blue background where the stars were scattered across.

"Woah... Did you see that??~ A meteor shower~" I exclaimed as I got hypnotised by the view up above.

"Mhm...~ I've never seen one before...~"

"Neither did I...~ It looks so magical...~"

"It really does...~" Enmu murmured in return, putting his hand on mine.

"Oh right!~ Make a wish before it ends!~" I said enthusiastically, clapping my hands together.

"I already did...~" He whispered as he gently lifted my chin and looked directly at me, approaching my face.


He moved closer.

And closer.

And closer...

Until he pulled me into a deep long kiss.


"... I've been wanting to kiss you like that for so long...~" He whispered in my ear as we pulled away after about half a minute.




"I love you." I muttered.

"I love you too, my dear. More than anything."

*Waw, what a comeback :O Author-San is alive after all :OO Anyways, I recently discovered that I'm a huge Aoi simp and kinnie, therefore I'll be writing a brand new story~ It will also be obviously linked with this Enmu book as well but it's basically gonna be about your human life when you worked at the butterfly mansion with Aoi before you became a demon ^^ More information about this later~ Stay tuned~*

Word count: 1017

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2023 ⏰

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