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As I finished my sweet meal made up of delicate flesh of a young woman, Douma took me on a small tour around his place. Something about his temple was so ethereal, it made me feel like I was somewhere in heaven. His followers were extremely nice to me as well for some odd reason, I wasn't used to such treatment, but I felt so special receiving so much attention from everyone.


It's been almost ten minutes since he began showing me around and we still haven't seen all of his estate yet. Douma often over-explained certain rooms and his followers constantly bustled around, tending to our every need. But his temple truly looked like a dream, I particularly liked this one room of his that was slightly elevated and adorned with priceless red silk pillows, and a large throne in the middle that was made out of very expensive fabrics, and dark red/golden dim lighting reigned over the place, creating a somewhat spicy atmosphere.

As I trailed behind him, I was really starting to get irritated by his followers asking me if I need anything every half a minute. It was nice having someone who cared about me to be by my side, but not when I was trying to get something done. Douma noticed my well hidden annoyance and glanced at that one girl who ran up to me with a serious look on his face.

His familiar smirk disappeared, and oh boy, that meant shit was about to go down. His icy cold demeanour was sort of... attractive though... God, I really hate to admit it but it gets me slightly worked up... I felt my face burn up as the girl let out a high pitched squeak from the unexpected change in Douma's attitude and bowed down, apologising in front of him.

"D-Douma-dono!! I sincerely apologize!! U-understood! The rest won't bother both of you anymore!" She cried out, still bowing down and nodding vigorously, not wanting to face Douma's punishments with attempts in hiding her fear inside as she faced the flooring.

Oh my...~ Seeing this woman so petrified was a true satisfaction...~ The way she tried to hide her fright was so entertaining~ And it was all caused by Douma's cold side... It really made me feel some type of way... And after this girl has asked for forgiveness, his face instantly changed and he became his "usual self". Just how the hell did he change so fast.

"Alright then!~ Onto the next place!~" He exclaimed as he clapped his hands together and sprinted in another direction, dragging me along as I struggled to keep up with him.

He opened a sliding shoji door and revealed a gorgeous garden full of blooms and a massive pond. My eyes lit up from the amount of colors around me, I never saw so many iridescent flowers before. Crimson lycorises glistened from the lights of the glowing stone tōrō lanterns, bearded irises flowed in the light breeze while being watered by a few ladies, and delicate aquatic hawthorns and fragrant lotus flowers floated in the warm water with smooth stones on the bottom of the pond.

The liquid reflected the winsome blooms, creating glimmering patterns in the pond. It was so peaceful around; the sounds of a trickling stream of water and a few shuffled footsteps were the only things that could be heard in the background. It felt so paradisiacal... I slowly walked over to a wooden pier and bent down to stroke the glowing blue liquid, and the lukewarm water gently touched my hand.

It felt so heavenly and relaxing...

"I'm glad you like it around here~" He said, crouching down behind me and patting my back as I looked up and flashed a soft smile at him while he hid his nose behind his golden fan, concealing his faint but noticeable enough red face. He looked sort of natural and calm for once. It was... pretty nice seeing him like that... He looked so God-like, it made me drift away from reality.


"Douma-dono! You have a visitor!" A voice of a female rang out from behind.

"Eh? A guest perhaps?~"

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