893 22 14

Rui continued to motionlessly stand and stare into my soul as he kept twitching from anger. The rage in this boy's eyes felt so haunting, almost made it seem like he's going to flame up in the color of crimson pink out of pure blood-boiling fury.

"Support.? Well then, if you're that smart, come here and show me how you properly support someone." He demanded in an irritated tone.

I hid the terrified girl behind Enmu's back as she gently grabbed my sleeve before I took a step off the creaky wooden porch. Her hand slipped off as I continued approaching Rui closer and closer as he tried his best to hide his annoyance. I looked down at him and his cold demeanour crawled under my skin and made my breath shake from an indescribable feeling of paralysis that hit me at full force. But then I calmly inhaled and proceeded to my speech.  


"You know Rui... You aren't a bad person"

"What the fuck are you saying...." He muttered as I placed my hand on his cold cheek and gently stroked it with my thumb.

"You will get your perfect family one day...~" I said as a his skin became warmer, and he started softly blushing. 


"What a kind demon you are.." He quietly added as tears welled up in his eyes.

He stayed emotionless, and after a few seconds he stepped closer and hung on me like a little child. He accepted me as his source of love, which he craved his entire life, and pressed himself close to me as I placed my hand on his head and gently slid my fingers through his pale lilac locks as he refused to let me go.

"Please join my family, I will do anything, I promise, I will never hurt you." He quietly sobbed into my thigh as he fell onto his knees and wrapped his arms around my legs.

"Rui my boy... I cannot join your family, I have Enmu... But.. If you promise to be nice to your siblings, I will come to you and support you..~" I offered as I squatted down to him with a warm smile on my face.


"... I promise.." He quietly muttered into my shoulder as I picked him up in my arms and carried him over to the porch. He was as light as a feather, and so small... Like a tiny kitten. He snaked his arms around my neck and nuzzled into it as I held him in my embrace until we reached the entrance to his house, and I carefully placed him back down on his bare feet and glared into his childish eyes, and left a small kiss on his nose. 

The girl who stood behind Enmu's back hesitantly came up to me with tears rolling down her warm reddened cheeks and I hugged her one last time. She pressed herself close to me as she smiled and whispered her thankfulness into my ears

"Thank you so much... I... I cannot express how grateful I am to you..."

"Sure thing...~ I'll come visit Rui later on this week, so we'll see each other again.~ I was glad to help, we'll definitely talk more next time, okay my dear..?~" I muttered back as I stared into her deep cyan eyes, which glistened with honour as she nodded, beginning to blush even more.


"Well, see you soon, then~" I exclaimed as I took Enmu's hand in mine and waved back to them once we began to descend down M.t Nagatsumo, which turned out to be the mountain opposite mine. 

We strolled among the dangling branches with ivies intertwined with them as the howling cold breeze crawled up my legs, making me shiver from such unexpected blasts of freezing air. I stared down to my feet as I walked and kicked tiny lumps of dirt as my hair flowed around my face and revealed my sad-looking eyes to Enmu now and then. 


"Are you alright? You look so empty on the inside" Enmu broke the silence

"Mm..? Oh yeah, I'm fine, I just... got lost in my own thoughts.." I muttered as Rui's mother's  sweet voice kept playing on repeat in my head and my mind kept imagining her precious smile.


"I never expected Rui to become so attached to you, I was surprised when you started to intercede for his mother" Enmu added as yet another awkward moment of quietness reigned over us for about half a minute.

"I didn't understand why I felt so sorry for that girl myself... I never felt this before... When I found her crying in her room, a vile feeling appeared in my chest.. It felt like someone was tearing and crushing my heart, or pulling out my soul. It was odd experiencing physical pain while being close to her. I wonder what it was that made me feel that way... "

"Oh my, surprising seeing such a sadistic creature like you actually feel bad for someone's misfortune"

"That's what I'm saying! I don't know what is it about her that made me feel that way..."


 Maybe it's because she said that I reminded her of someone she loved in the past...

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