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We stood motionless, continuously peering into each other's eyes. I couldn't process my thoughts properly, I must have misunderstood something. He asked if I had something with master too? What the hell is that supposed to mean? Did Enmu also have sex with Muzan?


"Did I hear that correctly..? Did you also have something between you and master..?" I questioned him as I watched him gulp, trying to hide his nervousness.



Okay then.


Neither of us spoke. As I kept glancing at him, his gaze became more disgusted as each second passed. What was the point of just standing and doing nothing. We both turned around at the same time and walked away, not daring to look back. I didn't know where I was heading, neither did Enmu. We just walked forward, wherever the path lead. I went on and on until I no longer could see him behind me.

I didn't know what to feel. I felt disgusted, angry and devastated at the same time, my feelings were pushed aside by my constant thoughts of what I should do next. Do I still feel the same way about him? Does Enmu still love me? Are we still together? What do I do now... What is Enmu going to do now... But my thoughts were interrupted by someone's voice that rang out from a distance, calling my name out. It was Douma, sitting on the porch of the entrance to his room.

"Over here!~" He waved his hand, signalling me to come over.

I really wasn't bothered, so I darted over to him, it's not like anything mattered after all, I felt lonely anyway, I just lost someone I truly loved.

"Come here~" He commented, making his voice an octave higher as he pat the wooden surface he was sitting on, suggesting me to sit closer.

I moved over without saying anything. I couldn't really express myself at the moment.

"Thank you, and might I just compliment on what beautiful clothes you are wearing today, that shade of teal with black lacing looks very ravishing on you!~" He said with his classic smirk as he examined my revealing clothing.

"Thank you."

One of Douma's followers came up from behind and gave us some lavender flavoured tea. She carefully poured the golden liquid into two wooden cups and handed them over to Douma and I. Douma noticed my unfamiliar emptiness and tilted his head with a questioning look. He knew something was wrong.

"Tell me what happened." Douma asked before lifting the cup of tea towards his lips.

"Huh..? Oh... It's nothing... I.. think I just lost someone dear to me.."

"My my, what happened to Enmu?" He asked as his interest suddenly peaked in.

"... It's all complicated... But I have a feeling that he no longer loves me, and my feelings... I'm not sure if I still love him as much either... It's just an argument." I quietened down, hesitating to say the actual reason for my sadness.


"I... I cheated on him."

"Oh my... That doesn't sound too pleasing..."


"What are you going to do now..?" He asked me without realising how terrible of a question that was.

"I really don't know. This situation makes me want to end my life more and more. My past wasn't too sweet, and now this.. I'm not entirely sure I can handle it."


"I've been thinking of how to end my life in case if I'm really going to lose myself, my two options were to get crushed by a train, I certainly have a love for trains, but because I'm a demon, my body will instantly regenerate, so I was thinking wisteria could do the job.~ Just imagine lying in the grass in a wisteria garden, as it gently dangles in the breeze above you and glows in a shade of light purple, it's aroma is truly pleasing, but deadly. When I was human, I loved spending time lying under the wisteria in the moonlight with someone I loved, but I am no longer capable of doing that. Though it would be such a dream to relish...~"

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