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As I slowly opened my eyes, the dim lighting hit my eyes, making me squint. It was already getting pretty dark outside, but I really didn't want to leave Enmu's warm embrace and continue lying in his arms, but as I woke up, a feeling of hunger pierced right through me. I had a sudden urge to devour a human, preferably a small child. I already imagined myself tearing its limbs apart and eating its soft flesh. Enmu noticed my sudden change mood as I kept squirming around in his arms. 

"Starving?" He asked as he looked at me holding onto my stomach.

"Yeah." I said as I sat up.

 As I stretched out, I stood up and went into the bathroom to clean myself up and get dressed. I combed my hair and returned Enmu his clothing.

"Enmu, your clothes~" I said as I reached out to him, handing over his clothing

As he approached me to take his things, he reached out to pull me into a hug, leaning closer to my face and giving me a small kiss on my reddened cheek, and gently whispering in my ear.

"Let's get ready quickly, I have a surprise for you...~"

I nodded and kissed him back as he melted from such cuteness. As I slipped my clothes on, I made sure I looked on fleek, and once I was ready, we headed towards the door. As I locked the door, we began to descend down the mountain and head to the city while staring into the sky and enjoying the beautiful view. I had no clue where he was going to take me, so I just followed him around while holding on to his cold but extremely soft hand. Though this area looked very familiar. Soon enough we approached the train station where we first met. Surprisingly, there weren't many people around there, it was almost completely empty.

"Did I tell you that I'm taking you on a trip?~ This train takes a long way to another city~" He said as he hugged me tightly, slightly kissing my neck, and then cupping my face with his cold hands and pulling me into a soft kiss.

His lips were extremely sweet, the way he held onto my burning face was so tender and careful, I couldn't describe how dear he was to me.

"I love you so much...~" I quietly said as we slowly pulled away.

"I love you too, darling, I really do...~" 

He hugged me once more and after a couple of minutes we began to break into the train while no one was around. As we got in, we searched for an unoccupied compartment, after what we waited a long time until other passengers would start to arrive. I couldn't take it anymore, my starvation drove me mad, therefore I decided to roam around the train to see if any of the passengers that came early were already asleep.  Luckily, I managed to find a sleeping child nearby, without any of it's guardians around. Oh, how truly fortunate, after all it was getting pretty late...~

I entered the silent compartment and watched how the human was peacefully plunged into vivid dreams. 

"What a fine day, to come here and say, that your face and flesh i must flay~"

"Now sleep forever~" I said as I pierced the child's throat with my nails.

As the child choked on its own blood, no other sounds could be heard around. I dragged its body into our compartment and dropped it on the floor as it landed with a thud. Enmu was peacefully sitting near the window, staring into nothing, but once he noticed my presence, he immediately averted his full attention to me. I sat down onto the cold floor and tore off the child's arm, and bit into it greedily. The taste of sweet blood and soft flesh filled my mouth. It was indescribable... So delicious. I was so driven by hunger that I couldn't stop mercilessly devouring this kid, the smell of fresh meat is just too enticing. After finishing tearing it's arm into shreds, I began to eat the child's leg, abruptly biting into it and ripping out part of the muscles, while Enmu spectated me with a smirk.

He gently placed his arm on my shoulder and I turned my head and looked at him, my eyes full of greed. 

But then...

It was as if something had pierced right through my chest with a blade, all the greed abruptly disappeared.  

Enmu kissed me, licking off all the blood on my lips.

"Calm down...~ No need to rush~" He told me as he pulled away.

I instantly froze, peering into his beautiful eyes. My mood dramatically changed, and I continued to finish the child up with a tiny blush on my face, I sort of lost my appetite anyways, all I wanted was to have some of Enmu's precious attention. He was already sitting by the window and looked at the dark view, at first I was slightly hesitant to sit right next to him, but I made up my mind and did so anyway, I wrapped my arms around him from the back, pressing him closer to me. 

His touch...

I always have this fuzzy feeling inside whenever I feel him close.

It always turns me on.

Let me take you on a trip~ (Enmu X Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang