10 (Slight nsfw warning)

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He took off my bra and began kissing my bare breasts. Embarrassment hit me with full force, I was terribly ashamed to expose my body to him, without any reasons either... He kept muttering and moaning something, but it was difficult to make out anything he said.

But at one point, I clearly heard him say something that made my heart drop.

"Oh Daki...~"

Everything stopped. I felt my heart pounding at a frantic pace. A sharp feeling of pain pierced right through me.


"... Repeat what you just said."


"Enmu. Who is Daki."

Sweat formed on his forehead.


"Darling, I said-"



"I have a very good sense of hearing."

He gulped.




Escaping from his embrace, I began to dress, he sat with a frightened face and looked at one point.


"We live without lies you say."

I got up and was about to leave our compartment when he abruptly grabbed my arm. Without any hesitation, I turned and pushed him back, slamming the door right in his face. As soon as I closed the door, tears trickled down my cheeks, and I started running down the train corridors as fast as I could, trying to get as further away from him as possible, and when I reached the last carriage, I shattered the door.

The wind beat in my face, blowing away my tears. I climbed onto the top of the train that travelled so fast, that i could hardly stand still. I screamed loudly, and as  I gasped for air, everything darkened in my eyes. I fell on the roof and started crying, I couldn't breathe nor see anything, I could barely move, my body numbed. I cried so hard, that I was no longer crying with tears, I cried blood.

The crimson liquid gushed out of my eyes and spread across my entire face. Who Daki is. How did Enmu find out about her. What does she look like. Who she is to Enmu. More and more questions arose in my head, until I began to hear faint footsteps. Without turning around, I hardly got up and with all my strength ran forward. I couldn't face him. 

It didn't take me long to reach the edge of the train, the smoke from the locomotive flew into my eyes and blinded me for a few seconds, I felt him running after me. I turned around and looked at him with wild fear, as he ran towards me at a terribly fast speed. I couldn't move. Fury and terror overlapped my entire body, so I screamed loudly and before Enmu could reach me, but everything blurred in my eyes and I lost consciousness.

Let me take you on a trip~ (Enmu X Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin