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My morning started by snoozing on Enmu's offer to wake up.


Okay maybe a few times...~


"Awe come on dear, I always have the best intentions for the morning, so I'm here to wake you up~" Enmu's voice chirped in my ear as he stood beside the couch and constantly pestered me, trying to awake me.

"Mgh. Enmu... I don't want to. It's really cozy here... And I'm still tired, so leave me alone..." I sleepily groaned as I wrapped a blanket around my head and fell flat on a pillow.

"I know you're a big sleepyhead in the morning and usually wake up around midday whenever you end up sleeping... But I've prepared some tea for you~ Care to try it out?~"

"Tsk... Fine.. But with dreams like mine can you blame me for sleeping a lot? We're demons after all, we can't do shit during the day rather than stay home or hide from the sun..."

"Dreams you say? Well, that's understandable my dear, but I'm not here for nothing am I? I'll let you spectate a lovely dream later on, but just for today, would you mind getting up just a little earlier..? For me..?"

"Yeah yeah."

Enmu's aftercare was surely sweet... But it could get a bit persistent at times. I lifted myself up, scratching the back of my head as my fingers intertwined in my messed up hair. The first few minutes of being awake are always so disgusting, I really felt like a pile of rotten flesh as I sat up straight. Enmu carefully brought up the tea on a small Japanese tray and made himself comfortable by my side, wrapping his arm around me.

I really felt uneasy looking like crap next to him in the mornings, he was wearing a snow-white yukata, had his hair tidied and sorted out and smelled like lilac, while I silently sat like a mouse and sleepily stared into nothing. I held the wooden cup in my hands and sipped the transparent green liquid. The taste of herbal tea left a sweet aftertaste on my tongue as I swallowed the warming drink, staring out of the window near the kitchen.

The view from my house is always too fascinating, even when the sun is shining. The trees surrounding from both sides led down to an incredible city of Tokyo below... The houses bathed in the sunbeams, rippling like morning dewdrops. I admit, as a demon I hate the sun, alway did and always will, but I don't deny that sometimes it brings beauty to this world, it makes it look somewhat relaxing and calming, setting such a warm, nostalgic atmosphere from my past human life.

I miss those times... Back when everything seemed so... different. It pains and satisfies me just by thinking of my previous life, before I became who I am now and found the one I mindlessly love and cherish. I went through a lot of changes, some were memorable and pleasant and some were saddening and regretful. But I was happy living how I was, even if I went through unhealthy states of mind, or miserable silly behavior, I enjoyed it when it lasted.



"Thank you for the tea...~" I muttered, taking his hand in mine and gently rubbing it with my warm fingers.

"You're always welcome~ I'm glad you liked it~"

"Mhm...~ Alright then, I'll go dress and make myself look somewhat appealing now, I have some plans for today~" I said, slipping out of Enmu's embrace and heading to the armoire, grabbing some fresh clothing.

"Oh? What is it that you've planned for this day?~" He questioned, sitting up on the couch before taking the two cups back to the kitchen.

"I've gotta clean the house up and meet Daki in the evening~ We've arranged a wonderful spa session~" I answered, twirling into the bathroom and sliding the shoji door shut.

I dropped off my thin kimono robe off my shoulders and bared my skin in front of my own reflection, unfolding my light yukata, colored in pale grey, and pulled it on, gently tying a belt on my waist, after what I took a metallic comb into my hands and began brushing out my hair. I slipped it through my messy locks and weaved my hands, slowly separating each strand and carefully running the comb through my hair, straightening it out and styling it as usual, tucking the remaining part behind my ear.

I examined my outfit once more before opening the door back, finding Enmu washing up near the kitchen sink. I was so honored seeing him helping me bring the house to a better state, I felt my heart slightly tingle on the inside.

"Alright then... I'll start with the floor..." I sighed, heading over to get some cloths.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~



"Enmu! I'm heading out now, I'll be back late and I'll finish sorting out clothing once I return" I informed him, calling out from the hallway while slipping my shoes on.

"Sure thing, I'm on a mission as well" His voice rang out from the bathroom.

I wished him luck as I took a step out to my porch and slid the door closed behind me, looking up at the sky just before I got teleported into the infinity fortress, facing Douma's temple with Daki right next to me.

"My my~ Good evening ladies~ Come in~" He welcomed us with his arms out, letting us through the doorway and leading us straight into his private bathing house.

Let me take you on a trip~ (Enmu X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now