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It was about 3 am and the same atmosphere reigned over us. Enmu laid in my lap and took my hand in his, grasping it with his fingers. He continuously looked into my eyes, his cyan gaze was so mesmerising, a small blush appeared on his incredibly pale skin as he kissed my hand. He was like a tiny kitten in my arms. He dragged his hand across to my face and placed it on my cheek and started slowly pulling himself up to me, and then gently kissed my cold lips. His touch warmed my body up as a blush spread across my face.

"Darling... Could that be... You're blushing...?~" He asked as he slowly pulled away.

He got up and placed me on his knees as he wrapped his arms around my body and held me close. I buried my face in his chest and placed my trembling from embarrassment hands over it.

"Come on...~ If you're blushing, let me see your face...~"

He moved his head closer to mine and let out a small laugh when I tightened my grip, trying to cover up my red face.

"Won't you show me your face...?~"


"You're so cute... When you can't face me...~" He quietly giggled as he kissed the top of my head.

"Is this really... What flusters you?~"

I gently nodded, still hiding my face.

"It's... So cute...~ You're just... So cute..."

He pressed me against him so hard, I suddenly felt how he abruptly tipped us over, I landed on my back with a thud, and one of my eyes shut from the sharp pain.

"Are you alright..? I didn't mean to tip us over.." he quietly asked as he hovered over me.

"I guess I just got excited...~ Excited that I could have an effect on you...~" He murmured as he moved closer to my ear.

"I want to make your heart race...~ And I think I might just be pretty good at it...~"

He began kiss my cheeks and gradually moving down to my neck. I felt his warmth hit my skin, but he pulled away and hugged me instead. I sat up to fix my hair, but Enmu hung down on me, wrapping his arms around my waist, and didn't want to let go. I looked back at him and only now it dawned on me how filthy our clothes were.

"Enmu, I think... we'll need to wash our clothes." I said.

He let out a small "Mhm...~" in a rather quiet voice as he buried his face in my back. I smiled slightly, but looking out of the stained window, I noticed how the rays of the rising sun began to crawl out from behind the bushy trees.

"It is already starting to brighten, we must hurry back." I said as panic hit me at full force.

"Hm..? How about we stay here instead..? It's so nice here...~"

"If you want to burn alive in the sun, then sure, you can stay. Thankfully, the train didn't travel too far from the city we left from, we must head back. I live on a mountain near that city, you're coming with me."

I grabbed his hand and briskly broke out of the train, making my way back to the city. It wasn't too far away, but every second was on the count. The town was pretty empty, no souls around. Our destination was getting closer and closer as we ran up to the mountain.

Let me take you on a trip~ (Enmu X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now