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I continued laying in his warm embrace as he kept rubbing small circles on my back, softly purring into my ears.


"Enmu, I just remembered that we have finally been assigned a mission, and the meeting is going to be pretty soon..."

"Oh right... I completely forgot. We don't have much to get ready, so let's hurry, shall we?"

"I'm so glad I can finally get to kill some people...~" He continued when a faint blush spread across his face as he let his sadistic thoughts roam around his mind.

"Ah yes...~ As far as I can remember, this was meant to be a task for the upper moons, but master decided to test our abilities, and we'll work together with the upper-kizuki~"

"Oh dear~ That means I'll have to introduce you to everyone, since you haven't been around the upper moons as much before, right?~"

"Yeah, it would be my pleasure to get to know other strong demons" I replied as brought the couch to a normal state, folding the bedding and stacking it up.

I didn't know much about the upper ranks, I never got to meet them, so I practically didn't know any of them. Except for one.


It took us approximately fifteen minutes to get ourselves together, after what we patiently waited for master Kibutsuji to summon us and the upper-kizuki in his castle. But little did we wait, because literally a second later we found ourselves in his dimensional infinity fortress.  

I sensed other demons around us while holding Enmu by his arm and walking around, exploring this interesting structure that we were located in. Master Kibutsuji has not yet been observed when the biwa demon teleported all the kizukis together. As I began to examine everyone, I felt a piercing glance on me from outside my field of vision, and then someone came up from behind and locked me in a tight hug.

At first I thought it was Enmu, but... Enmu was not that tall. And that's when I froze, realising that someone else was this close to me, hardly finding any courage to turn around and find out who it was. I my head twitched as I gradually faced the person behind me and saw a beautiful silver-haired male demon with iridescent eyes and a golden fan in his other hand. I was slightly surprised indeed. We don't even know each other, why is he hugging me. He stood and spectated me slightly squirm around from above with a terribly creepy smile on his face. It's like his eyes hypnotised me and I couldn't stare away, though I really wanted to...


"Douma, leave her alone, she's mine.~" Enmu said as he pulled me out of his strong yet cold embrace.

"Oh my, how cute~ Is she your girlfriend?~ My bad, how did I not realise~ Though it's just a hug, getting jealous already?~" Douma chuckled while Enmu simply ignored his teasing.


Okay, sure, I'll let that pass, what ever just happened.


"Glad to meet you I guess..." I unconfidently pronounced. 

"I'm glad too, darling~" 

His voice was... surely mesmerising. 


"Am I interfering.?" A deep low voice rang out as the sound of a biwa chimed out of no where.

Everyone quietened in an instant when master Kibutsuji appeared and forced us to all bow before him. I was between Enmu and Douma, and as Muzan spoke, I noticed Douma's alluring gaze on me. I didn't want to make the situation awkward, so I just smiled at him and looked away, in hopes that it would settle the uncomfortableness, but just when I averted my gaze back to the floor, my ear caught a faint whisper, which sounded almost like a muted moan. 

"You'll be mine...~"

Excuse me did I hear that correctly.?

Did he just say that or am I just going insane.?




"I can read your thoughts, remember.? How dare you not pay attention to my words while I'm talking." Master asked, trying his best to hide his rage.

"Should I perhaps kill this girl next to you so you won't get distracted with your lewd thoughts.?"


Is he thinking about me sexually..?

Yeah I don't like this man.

I looked over at Enmu who suddenly started sweating madly. I could sense his sudden fright of losing me, he really needed to calm down, or Muzan would kill him as well.

"Ah, I truly apologize. Please spare her life, I promise you I won't get distracted anymore"

"You better. Otherwise I'll say goodbye to both of you."

Also... Is it just me or there's not that much demons around here..? It just feels like some are missing. Oh right. One of them is certainly not here.


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