sister talk

313 11 2

**monday july 23th – 2040** 1 week old **

-ellies pov-

We head to my parents' house for a barbeque in the backyard. We were supposed to go for a family walk together all of us, but then Alex's mom and my mom decided that we should all get together and throw a barbeque instead. Not that I'm complaining though, its food I don't have to fuss with making.

"There they are" my dad says as we walk out into the backyard where everyone already is. "This little one needed some food so she would stop screaming" I say and take her out of the stroller to hold her in my arms. We figured that we should just take the stroller with the basinet part with us in so she could sleep in there. She was sleeping after I feed her, but now she is awake again and I won't turn down a chance for some cuddles.

"She is getting so big aren't you" my dad says and bop her nose. "She gained a bit of weight. Not back to her birthweight yet but getting there" I say and hand her over to him. He came over yesterday and watched Emilia for three hours between feeds so both Alex and I could get some much-needed sleep. Having a newborn is no joke, and sleep is desperately needed now.

"Ellie?" Kenzie says hesitantly and I turn my attention to her, she seems occupied in her mind today "what's up? Do you want to talk?" I ask her and she nods. We excuse us selves before I follow her up to her room. The room that was once upon a time filled with pink fluffy things, barbies and dolls are now a teenage room. It's now less pink, whiter and grayer. There are so many pictures on the walls of her family and friends, from all our trips and all that.

"so what's on your mind" I say as we sit down on her bed. "There is this boy" she says, and I grin as she looks away. This talk was bound to happen at some point, she is only months older than I was when I started dating Alex.

"go on" I encourage her as her cheeks flush crimson. "he... ugh I don't know Ellie he is so cute. I transferred to the school in January, and we sat next to each other a lot. At the end of the schoolyear, we exchanged numbers and he asked me out. I've been staling it because I've been afraid and all that. But I do really want to stop just the calls and text, and instead actually go out with him. But I know mom and dad would have a panic attack" she says and throw herself back on her bed.

I've seen how giddy she has been over her phone, clearly something was going on, but I've avoided asking about it. As much as I wanted to know I didn't want to push her because it's so delicate that stuff in the beginning. If I was inserting myself into all that she would never have come to me about it.

"This is exiting. What's his name? What is he like? Where do he want to take you. And mom will be fine, dad will panic but don't mind that. You're growing up and he needs to deal with it. Just don't go out there and give yourself an STD like your oldest sister, because you will never be able to live that down" I say and crack a joke at the end. That damn STD will be something I will never be able to forget.

"His name is Liam. He plays football and is just... really handsome. He made the team right away because he was so good at his old school too. His parents moved because of his dad's job. He has been so nice to me from day one, I just didn't think he noticed me that way. I'm not an outcast, but I'm not one of the cheerleaders either. Wouldn't someone like him go for one of those? Aren't that what all the movies say? But no, he wanted to get to know me of all people. And when I talk with him, god I'm not even capable of forming correct sentences. He messes up my head" she goes on this long rant about all the times they have used their free periods together in the library doing homework towards the end of the year.

There is apparently this girl on the cheerleading team that has marked him has hers, but he doesn't like her, he likes Kenzie. At least she thinks that the signals he is sending her, but she isn't sure what to do.

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