friday night party

447 22 16

**friday September 9th – 2039**

-ellies pov- 

"Hi Ellie" victor says and sit down next to me in the auditorium which he does at every class we have. It's nice to actually have an idea about who you're going to sit next to, so I don't have to deal with new people every time. And like usual I like to sit at the last seat on a row, so I make sure to get there in time to get one of those seats and try to hold one clear for him. 

He is really nice actually and is funny too. "so are you going to the party tonight?" he asks, and I nod. "yeah, it will be fun" I say. Betty is dragging me with her there as I wasn't planning on leaving the house much. Ever since I saw Alex on Monday, I have been avoiding him so that in tales not going out too much, especially to a party he will probably be at too.

It's also my birthday tomorrow so I don't really want to be hangover, so I'm not going to drink that much. We don't want a repeat of #drunkminiswift

"Cool. I'm going too so we could hang out" he says, and a smile and I nod. "That could be nice. It's nice to have a friend around" 

I haven't made too many friends yet, which isn't a surprise because its only day one, but it's nice to have at least meet one at least. not to mention that both betty and Rebecca is here too. She wants to be a teacher, so she is an education major. 

The teacher comes in and I shift my focus to him. I'm a committed student in that way, I want to soak up everything the teacher is saying so I know what I'm supposed to know. We are in the early days now, but after two days of getting to know the classes, they started actual lectures on Wednesday. 

I've always loved learning, so this environment is perfect for me. Taking hard classes is just what I need. The last couple of years in high school I have taken a few classes at college level but not in my major. I took classes that had to do with history and language arts for the most part. 


"Can you sing too?" victor asks after the class is over and I chuckle. "not like my mom, but I guess I can. I've sung on different occasions" I say as I'm packing down my stuff after the class. We tend to stick around and talk on the way out of class and for a bit in the hallway or outside too. "Besides that's her thing. I want to be my own person. Being In their shadow isn't exactly something I want"

Being in my parent's shadow is exhausting. It's not that I'm not proud of being their daughter, I really am, but I don't want to always be seen in their shadow. I'm Elliana and I want to be seen as an individual. 

"Did you ever consider that line of work?" he asks, and I nod "sort of. I was on the track to becoming a professional ballet dancer. But I gave up on that a few years ago. I continued dancing, I still dance, but not the same" I say as we walk out of the building. 

"I get that. I was on the track to become a professional soccer player. It takes up so much time and you don't really get to experience your teenage years" he says and I'm surprised that he gets it. Not many people get it, the only one that has really gotten it before is Alex because he quit that dream too. 

"Now I teach though. I teach the little kids at the studio where I used to dance every Thursday. It's fun to still be involved" they asked me about that a few years ago, during my junior year, and I happily accepted it. So during junior and senior year I was an assistant in the class for the five year olds, but now I teach them alone. I've taken lots of certifications and stuff like that to be up to date and feeling like I'm able to do it correctly. 

"that's cool. I was considering it back home, but I moved here instead" he says, and I smile at him. 

When I look around us, I tense when I see Alex with a group of people and that girl Addison again. This campus is so big, but I keep seeing him and that makes me anxious. I wonder if he has spent the last year thinking about me too, if he misses me too. What we had was special and I could never shake him out of my head, he is permanently imprinted there like a tattoo. It's a tattoo that both makes me mad and calm at the same time. But I promised myself I can't go back to him, even if he came begging, but I don't think he will. God, I still love him, I love him, and it hurts. 

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