fall in the snow

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A/N fun anouncement from me. there will be a spin off book 2 and it will include storylines for both kenzie and aurora too. im just not ready to part with this series and people have asked about what happend with kenzie and aurora, so there will be a time jump and then another book. working on the outline for that now and it is going to be interesting.

**monday January 9th – 2040** 11 weeks and 2 days pregnant **

-ellies pov-

We get to school and Alex hands me my backpack as I'm about to head into my school building and they head towards theirs. But then a familiar figure storms up to me, Addison.

"You stole my man. And now you're fucking engaged to him. You had your chance, but you fucked up. He is mine back off" she screams at me so loudly that everyone hears her clearly.

Things happens fast and she slaps my face before she pushes me, so I fall on my back in the snow. Just as she is about to jump on top of me people are pulling her away as tears prick in my eyes and I clutch my stomach. Thank God I feel in the snow but I'm terrified, what if something happened to my little nugget.

"Get the fuck away from her" Alex yells at Addison. Alex helps me up and holds me close while him, anna, victor and betty are yelling at Addison.

I'm frozen and keep my hands on my stomach like I'm scared it's going to go away and try to suppress my panic.

"She is unreasonable. She stole you from me Alex. We were meant to be together and now you gave her your family ring. Don't you love me? She had her shot and now it's supposed to be me and you forever" she pleads to Alex, but Alex holds me tighter. "i'm sorry Addison but I love Elliana and I've always loved her. I never loved you and I have told you that several times" Alex tells her, and she tries to lunge for her again, but betty pull her back.

"can't you see she is pregnant" Alex screams at her "don't you dare try to hurt a pregnant woman" Alex says as I'm crying into his chest. One of us hands cradle my head close to his shoulder while the other is wrapped around my shoulders.

He turns me to face him and lay a hand on my stomach ignoring Addison's screams and pleading behind us. "Baby how are you feeling? Does it hurt anywhere" he asks me gently and I shake my head before burrowing my head in his chest. It doesn't hurt anywhere thankfully, I'm just terrified that something happened inside my body that fucked up my pregnancy.

"How could you sleep with her after you slept with me? I told you I would be with you after you were broken over her. But now you got her pregnant" Addison screams at us and by now campus security has come over to separate her from us.

"I love you alexander. She doesn't love you! I can give you more than she can!" she continues to scream while campus security is taking her with them to get her away from us.

This is not how I wanted people to find out I was pregnant, but at least now she isn't trying to attack me anymore, so she probably got the hint to back off on that. Who in their right mind would try to hurt a pregnant woman, but then again, she isn't in her right mind if she thinks that Alex loves her. He is obviously in love with me, and I'm 100% secure in that fact.

"Baby you're okay" Alex whispers in my ear and I try to take in his scent to calm me down. While I'm cradled in his shoulder, he calls the OB-gyn to get me in for a check to know that things are alright. Even though I fell on snow it's good to take a check anyway to make sure things are okay. It feels fine but I want to know for sure. And thankfully she is clearly weak as her slap on my face didn't feel too strong either, I doubt it will bruise actually.


We get home from the OB and thankfully everything is fine. I cried the whole way there and up until we heard the heartbeat and got told that everything looked good. If something had happened, I don't know what I would have done. This baby means so much to us and I want it to grow strong inside me before it comes out and meet us and gives us the privilege of calling us their parents.

A place in this world - peace series spin off - ellianas storyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant