alex moves in

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**saturday november 26th – 2039**

-ellies pov- 

We are at alex's house packing down everything that he wants to take with him to the apartment. Mostly clothes, his x-box and that kind of gaming things... His school stuff obviously and personal items that he wants. 

I brought suitcases from the apartment that are mine to pack in. Its more practical than boxes and we are doing this together. I'm folding clothes and organizing them. Alex wants to just throw everything in like he always does when he packs, so just like any other time I fold his clothes neatly and put it in organized piles. 

He isn't taking every single clothing item he owns, but most of it. Thankfully my walk-in closet is so big that there won't be a problem finding place for him. I've already re-organized things so that there are three more shelves for him and two rows of hangers in one of the cubicle things in there. As well as a second drawer. Of course there is more room though if he needs it, but he doesn't really have that many clothes as he isn't really interested in that stuff. 

"Do I really need to fold boxers Ellie. They are underwear and is just going to get thrown into the drawer anyway" he groans, and I chuckle "it looks so much prettier when they are folded. And when you're packing there is room for more in the suitcase. At home you can do whatever you want in your drawer, but it saves space when we pack" I say and roll my eyes. 

"How is your belly feeling?" he says, and I shrug. I've been having some cramping which freaked me out for a moment but apparently its normal. This early in the pregnancy you can have PMS like symptoms and that's not something to worry about. And this morning the morning sickness made its arrival too which was horrible. Especially as someone that used to make myself throw up years ago it was triggering. But Alex was there with me and rubbed my back as I cried over the toilet. 

Because of my anorexia we are told to keep track of every time I vomit, everything I drink and everything I eat. Of course it's not 100% accurate because I'm not supposed to use the food scale. But it's counted in exchanges and just like before I got pregnant, I take pictures of things if I'm unsure about the portion and talk with my dietician about it. They want me to get familiar with portions without having to measure the grams of it or deciliter. 

After I throw up, I'm also supposed to eat something to try to get some calories in but also settle my stomach. Right now, that's something salty as that seems to be all I can keep down after throwing up for the first hour afterwards. Saltine crackers was my best option this morning. 

He packs down the final things and his dad helps us take everything down to the car. They are really supportive, and I love that. They are supportive of their son, of our relationship and is now exited to be grandparents. It makes me happy that both of our families are so supportive, it makes it easier on us. 

After parking we get help from the concierge to get all his stuff on two of those rolling things. Alex takes one and he takes the other. I offered to take one but both of them shut down that idea, I am in charge of opening the front door. 

"Betty we are back" I call for her when we get in the door and the concierge helps us unload from his rolling things before heading off with them. Alex goes with him to take the second one to the elevator. 

"it's so exiting that we have a third roommate" betty squeals as she comes out of her bedroom with victor behind her. "He has more or less been living here for the last two months. But I agree, it's fun" I say. 

Alex comes back and the three of them take the suitcases into our bedroom. I try to take one too but betty glares at me "Ellie. We can do it. You're not supposed to do that" she says, and I roll my eyes. "I'm not dying betty; I can do simple things" I grumble as we head into my bedroom. 

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