6 weeks pregnant

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**tuesday december 6th – 2039** 6 weeks and 3days pregnant **

-ellies pov- 

I shoot up in bed and run to the bathroom before emptying the content of my stomach. Fuck I'm bloody miserable, but at least today I actually reached the toilet and not emptying my stomach all over the floor like I did on Sunday. That ended in me in a puddle and needing a thorough shower and our bathroom needing the deepest cleaning I've ever given anything. Our apartment gets cleaned every Monday by a cleaning lady, but I was obviously not going to let her deal with a day-old puke, so Alex cleaned while I sobbed in the shower. Needs to say our Sunday was horrendous. 

Alex pulls my braid back to keep it from getting stuff all over it and tears slide down my face. Those people that glamorize morning sickness can go fuck themself. It hurts like hell and leaves me in tears with a puffy face and horrible taste in my mouth. You see people in tv series and stuff just walking to the bathroom and puking a little bit before flushing the toilet, well that's not the reality. Puking takes a while and it keeps coming, then my whole body is sweaty and in pain leaving me either resting against the bathroom wall or in a ball on the floor. 

"Come on baby, let's get you in the shower" Alex says and help me get undressed while I'm still sitting on the bathroom floor in tears. I'm only wearing a shirt and panties, so it doesn't take long to undress me and after taking off his own underwear he helps me stand up and we get in the shower together. 

I'm still half asleep but Alex washes my body for me before we head out and dry off. A tip I learned from my mom was to wash your hair in the evening, so you have one less thing to do in the morning, and then lay out your clothes the day before too. The less things I have to think about in the morning while I'm also dealing with the vomit is a plus in my books. 

Today we first have school and then we are going to a doctor's appointment to check on our baby. I'm going there every two weeks, so this is the first appointment since I first found out I was pregnant. I'm now between 6 and 7 weeks but I think she is going to give something more accurate in terms of due date today, I don't really know. But I hope that we get to see a little bit more on the screen today, last time it was the size of a poppy seed but according to Alex it's now about the size of a pea. Apparently, there is a chance that we could get to hear the little heartbeat today which would be amazing. 

Still a bit grumpy I get ready for the day in a matching set of Calvin Klein underwear. To my frustration I can't really wear a thong because I need to wear a liner as I get this nasty stuff coming out of me that is apparently normal. It started to happen a few days ago so I called my mom screaming and crying that something was wrong... apparently, it's just one of the nasty sides of pregnancy that no one tells you about. But then on the other hand just the thought of putting on a thong right now makes me feel yucky, I'm going for comfort in my miserable state. The bra is one of those minimal support things that look more like a sports bra than a regular bra. But it isn't as uncomfortable as my normal bras over my sore boobs so that's at least a positive. 

After slipping into a pair of jeggings and a sweatshirt I head for the kitchen where Alex is already getting breakfast ready. I would make it myself but clearly, he has sensed my poor mood today. "My body hurts and it's your sperm's fault" I grumble and sit down and start to eat the fruit he has laid out for me. 

I am supposed to drink milk for breakfast, but just the thought makes me want vomit again, so I head to the fridge and get some chocolate oat milk instead. Its Alex's favorite but that's the only thing sounding appealing to me right now. 

"Well. I would say I'm sorry, and I'm sorry that you're not feeling good, but I'm happy with the outcome. It's the baby making you sick, but one day the baby is going to be out of your tummy and come hang out with us" he says and set down my beans on toast infront of me as well as a hardboiled egg. 

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