meeting the family

280 14 2

**monday july 9th – 2040** day 0 **

-ellies pov-

I get a little sleep, do another feeding and then the nurse comes to get me out of bed. I'm dreading it so bad, but I can tell the epidural has worn off as I feel my legs and the crime scene at my core. There are pads and an icepack in my glamorous mesh panties, but it still hurts like a bitch. But what else do you expect when you push a human out of your vagina? A vagina that's normally pretty small but now there has been a 2,5kg baby pushed out of it. But I have a reward for after I've walked and peed, Alex went out and got me one of those protein boxes from Starbucks and a venti iced latte. I've talked with the OB and they say that I can have 300mg of caffeine a day while breastfeeding, and I'm going to do that. But we need to keep an eye on Emilia because some babies react to it.

"You ready to get out of bed Elliana?" the nurse says, and I tell her that I need to do it sooner or later. First I sit up with my legs hanging over the bed to just get used to being in that position again. It feels weird, but the only place that hurts is my stomach and vagina, my legs otherwise feel fine.

Slowly I get standing and take my time to get used to being that upright again. First of all, my stomach feels so light that getting used to the new center of gravity is going to take some adjusting, and then it hurts like hell between my legs and a bit in my lower back.

At first I'm a bit wobbly but it doesn't take long before I'm steady to some degree. "You're doing good Elliana. Walking is going to help you heal. I want you to go try to pee. Use the squirt bottle to ease the burning and then after to make sure that its clean down there" the nurse says and leaves after I go into the bathroom. "Alex, can you take the robe in here, the grey one, I want to get out of this disgusting hospital gown" I tell him as I take off the gown and sit down on the toilet.

She was right, this burns badly, and its actually harder to do it than I thought. One would think that after going to the toilet your whole life it would be easy, but it takes some time before I'm able to go. And when I get things going it burns really bad.

Afterwards I change the pad and all those disgusting things down there that I don't even want to think about. It grosses me out so bad and I would think Alex would be scared for life after everything, but he seems pretty calm by what I can see.

The gown is a cotton one that's more of a sleep robe, but I don't want to wear pants as they are still checking my vagina and all that every once in a while, for the next few hours. Then of course I have those grippy hospital socks, so I don't fall on my ass because of the slippery floor.

Looking in the mirror I feel so disgusting, I look horrible. Haven't brushed my hair or my teeth since yesterday and my lips are dry as well as my skin. It's not a good look. But I get my hair brushed, my teeth too and put on some moisturizer on my face to at least feel a bit fresher. And then I was smart enough to pack dry shampoo too which helps my hair feel a bit fresher too.

"Where is my baby" I say as I get back into the room. I'm so obsessed with that little girl already. How could I not when she is so freaking cute?! Not to mention that it blows my mind that she is actually mine, she is half me and half Alex. Together we created this precious little life and I'm so proud of her.

"Lay down and I'll bring her over to you. I've got tons of grandma cuddles" my mom says and hand me the baby as I lay down again. She loves laying against my skin, so we take her blanket off and lay her against my chest before draping a blanket over her. "She is perfect" I say and look down at her as she is falling asleep.

There is a knock on the door before Alex goes to let my dad and sisters in and when I see my dad, I get really emotional again. "You want to meet your grandbaby" I ask him, and he comes over to take a look "she is so beautiful" he says and gently caress her head.

A place in this world - peace series spin off - ellianas storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن