school and therapy

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**monday October 17th – 2039**

-ellies pov- 

My alarm goes off and I feel alex's arms around my body tighten "baby it's time to get up" he says and kiss the side of my face, but I pull the covers further up my body "i'm tired" I whine but he flips me so I'm on my back and lean over to kiss me which makes my eyes flutter open afterwards. 

"I know. But we have school and need to get ready, eat breakfast and head over to campus" he says and even though I'm a bit grumpy I get out of bed. I'm only wearing one of his shirts and panties to bed, that's my favorite pajamas these days. The shirt is oversized and goes down to the middle of my ass. 

While I rub my eyes, I head into the bathroom to brush my teeth and go pee. Afterwards I do my makeup and hair while I still feel like I might fall asleep. I don't really wear much makeup or do something fancy with my hair for school, I just do a simple plaid braid today and do some natural makeup. My natural makeup look consists of moisturizer after washing my face, some powder foundation, light liner, doing my brows, mascara and lip-gloss.

It just makes me feel a bit fresher to have made at least a bit of an effort with how I look. Not to mention that my life consists of a constant risk of being photographed and posted on the internet, so I want to look decent at least. 

Today I slip into some high waisted jeans, a cute knit sweater and my new boots. I'm also going to wear one of my fall jackets that are warm without being a winter jacket. 

My favorite part of October is the fact that the leaves look so pretty with all the colors, the air turns crisp, and people decorate with pumpkins. I love pumpkin spice latte, but I haven't allowed myself to have that this year-old last year either. It's way too many calories in my eyes but I miss the taste of it like crazy. 

"Do I look okay?" I say as I go into the bathroom where Alex is getting his hair ready for the day. "You look beautiful, the burgundy color goes so well with the color of your face and your hair" he says, and I nod hesitantly. 

"It doesn't make me look fat? I feel like I can see stomach rolls clearly" I say and pull up my shirt and look in the mirror. It's so weird because I feel it and think it's there but there is nothing hanging over my pants, it's so confusing. "You do not look fat, and even if you had stomach rolls that wouldn't make you fat. You are beautiful regardless of your weight baby" he says and peck my lips. 

Breakfast is a struggle; I went from not eating breakfast for weeks to now having to follow a stupid meal plan with exchanges. Today at my therapy appointment the meal plan is getting increased too which is terrifying. They said that it will take about two weeks to fully get me on the meal plan I'm supposed to be at, and from then the weight requirements start. I think the weight requirements are too high, but apparently my opinion on that doesn't matter. They tell me that it's the same rules for me as for everyone else at their clinic that's underweight, so I guess I just need to suck it up and trust them even when I don't want to. 

To take ownership of my treatment I do make my food myself because that's apparently good, but I can feel Alex and betty keeping an eye on me which I don't mind. They are just worried about me, so I try to keep the annoyance away and just appreciate that they actually care. 

Walking into campus is nerve-wracking because I haven't been here in a week. Thankfully victor has taken notes for me in class, so I won't fall behind and I don't need to study much to grasp concept or having it imprinted in my head. That's one of the perks of having an IQ. 

"We will meet you in the cafeteria okay" Alex says and kiss my forehead he is clearly nervous to leave me. "Yes. I'll be fine babe, go do your thing, I'll do my thing and then we will meet in a few hours" I say and kiss his cheek before I walk into my building. 

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