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**Saturday October 6th – 2040** 3 months and almost 1 week **

-ellies pov-

I love autumn, the colors are just breathtaking, and I love the crisp air. That's probably something I get from my mom; she loves the fall too and practically wrote an entire album about it many years ago.

«Look Emilia, so many pretty colors» I say as we walk around outside. Today I'm taking her for a walk with Betty around campus. Emilia is getting so big now, she is a little over three months old and growing so quickly.

«She is getting so big. I can't believe she has been here for three months now. And hey, this means that it's around a year since you got pregnant to begin with» Betty says nudging me slightly. «Time passes by so quickly» I sigh.

We try to go for a walk during the weekend to get outside with her, but today her daddy is at home with a hangover... I'm getting pissed that he tends to go out now leaving me at home with Emilia alone. It's not that I can't take care of her on my own, of course I can. But it's the principle that he isn't an average university or college student, he is a father and has responsibilities. When I try to bring it up, he gets pissed too so i don't know what to do actually.

«You know you need to talk to him, right?» Betty says and I nod. «Yeah, I know. I'm just not ready to go into a fight. It's exhausting enough taking care of her and i don't want to be that petty girlfriend that controls their partner. But at the same time, I need him to step up like he did in the beginning because I can't keep going like this» these days I don't really have time to myself other than school, there simply aren't anyone else to watch her so I need to do it. Our mothers watch her when we are at school, but other than that it falls on us, mostly me.

«Well, he needs to get his act together because he has a kid. It takes two people to make a baby and that means responsibility» Betty says, and I agree. It's not fair on me that I get the biggest blow of it. It's hard enough being a young mother because there is so much judgement going around. Having children at our age while you're still in school is sometimes looked down at because people think having a child will ruin your future. But in my eyes, she has added to our lives more than she has taken, we just needed to adjust to fit her into our lives.

«Hey Ellie!» A voice I know well says behind us, Addison. She has kept her distance for a while, but I should know she wouldn't be done with picking on us.

I hold the stroller behind me to shield Emilia as betty and I turn to face her. «What?» I try to say nicely but it comes out snappier than anything else.

«Is that your kid? Is it a boy or girl? What's its name?» She asks and I have no intention on answering any of her questions. She isn't a friend and I sure as hell don't trust her with any of that information because she could sell it.

«I'm sorry but that's not something I'm going to answer. Yes, she is mine, but you aren't entitled to any other information» I say calmly.

«Wow way to be a bitch, Ellie. I was going to be nice and all but seeing as you're still as much of a fuck up as last year I'm not going to hold my breath. I will just continue to go to parties where your dear fiancé is, and I know I can give her more than you. You just sit at home with your little baby while I take what was mine to begin with» she says, flip her hair and walk off. She is calling me a bitch, but we sure as hell know who is the real bitch her.

I'm no longer in a mood for a walk so we head back to the apartment in silence. What do you even say after meeting her? And why the hell is Alex even talking with her? We all know what kind of shit she can pull, she even pushed me for god's sake when she knew I was pregnant. One thing is messing with me, but if you try to mess with my baby my claws come out.

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