Not the Christmas we planned

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**Tuesday December 25th – 2040** 6 months **    

-ellies pov- 

Alex, me and my mom arrive at the hospital with Emilia and are taking into a room they use when they suspect infection because they don't want to risk it getting to other patients obviously. She is miserable and only wants to be held so I sit on the bed with her in my arms gently rocking her. It's scary to see how fast she has gotten worse. 

A doctor comes in with a nurse behind him, they introduce themself and asks us to lay her on the bed, but she is really not happy with that. «Baby girl, can you be good for the doctors so they can look at your leg?» I coo her to try to calm her down, but she isn't having any of it. 

«Okay, let's get a field on your legs then and she can sit in your lap. We don't want to distress her more that absolutely necessary» the doctor says, and I nod. He seems really nice thankfully. 

We had a bandage at home, so we covered her leg with that before we got here, now the doctor takes it off after putting in a mask and gloves. I'm not a doctor but it doesn't look good, it looks like its infected. 

«We need to take a sample to identify for certain it but at first glance it looks like its Staphylococcal infection. The puss is yellow Ish in color which can mean its methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus. Thats a type of staph that's resistant to most antibiotics, but thankfully we have some we can try. Staph is a common bacteria in healthy people, but when it gets in a wound it can cause a staph infection just like miss Emilia seem to have» the doctor explains, and I take it all in. Just hearing that there are types that are resistant to antibiotics make me nauseous. 

«I want to admit her to the children ward because she does have a high fever and with this type of infection we don't know if the antibiotics will work or not. It looks to be pretty deep so we also need to clean the wound, but we will get an IV in her and give her some pain meds to ease her comfort» the doctor says, and I nod. 

Christmas Day in the hospital is the verdict for us then. I look over at Alex who is sitting near me, he seems just as nervous as I am. She has never been sick before, and I just hate hospitals in general. 

«Should I go to the apartment and pack a bag for you three?» My mom asks and I nod «thanks mom» I say, and she kiss my cheek and caress Emilias head before walking off. 

The nurse puts an IV in her tiny little foot and Emilia is not happy with getting poked, so Alex has to hold her feet still while I hold her body. It's horrible to hold her so they can do it, but we know that it's in her best interest. 

Being in hospitals bring up so many memories from the past from when I was held down in the hospital bed and force fed or when I cut myself and needed stitches. Not to mention that time aurora tried to kill herself or Kenzie's run with cancer. It was also a hospital my mom and I was brought to after the kidnapping so that brings bad memories. Oh and lastly, I was shot after all and spent some time in the hospital for that. Lots of hospital visits for me and my family over the years that's for sure. I'm even forgetting some runs to the hospital actually because there was just so much over the years, I don't have happy memories from here. 

After giving her some pain meds, they wait for it to work before they start working on her leg. Once again Alex holds her leg still so they can do it quickly and thoroughly without her kicking all over the place. She is crying hard clearly not liking this, the pain meds probably take some of the discomfort away but who likes to be held down? 

«Baby girl, soon it's over and then you can get a boob, won't that be nice huh?» I coo her as she cries. The boob always calms her down, and she is due for a feeding now anyway so no wonder she is fussing. 

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