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**thursday December 20th – 2040** 5 months and 3 weeks **

-ellies pov-

School is over for the semester; it was over for me after the last exam on Tuesday and Alex was done with his last exam for the semester yesterday. Now we don't have school again until January 7th which means two and a half weeks break for me.

Christmas is in four days and in four days Emilia will officially be 6 months old which is crazy. Time is passing by so quickly and before we know it, it will be summer which means wedding time and then it's her first birthday. Now she is even more mobile, so we have baby-proofed the whole apartment as much as possible. She isn't crawling yet, but she is sitting on her own if we help her up and she can kind of scoot backwards by pushing herself with her arms.

We have a doctor's appointment tomorrow for her six months checkup so we will see if she is early or on target with development. I was reading on one of those mommy pages that she might be a little early which I think is cool, we might have an advanced baby on our hands.

On the agenda for today is the last of the Christmas shopping because this year we have been really late on that stuff. I take Emilia out of her car seat and put her into her stroller. Now she is big enough to sit in the regular seat but obviously strapped in properly. She loves being upright now so she can look around, and preferably grabbing things. We have those hooks that lets you hook toys onto the stroller which are handy.

«Ba-ba-ba-ah-ah» she babbles as Alex pushes the stroller into the mall. «That's so good Emilia» I coo her.

«Where to first Ellie» Alex asks, and I tell him Victoria's secret because this mommy needs some new underwear. My belly is back to normal for the most part now, I've been exercising but not too much because I don't want to trigger my eating disorder. My boobs are still pretty big though, but that's to be expected because they are still Emilias source of food.

Alex really don't care about following me into underwear stores, it's not the first time I drag him with me in here. He also low-key loves to point out thinks that he thinks I would look sexy in.

«Emilia mommy is getting underwear that only daddy gets to see. Which makes daddy really happy. Daddy really like it when mommy wears lace» he leans down and whisper to Emilia making me hold back my laughter «Alex, let's not tell our daughter that» I mumble. I know she doesn't understand but let's not talk sexual things to our baby. But I do grab some lace thongs though in my favorite style.

After some underwear shopping, we head to the baby store because we need some stuff for Emilia. We need some new clothes because some of her stuff is getting a bit tiny. Her Christmas present from us is one of those baby Einstein pianos that's made of woods, and then some soft blocks that we can work on stacking. We didn't want to get too many toys because she mostly likes the same stuff, she is growing fast developmentally and then other people are probably also getting her toys.

I find a really cute red baby dress, made out of soft velvet, for Christmas with white tights to go under. «Alex look how cute» I say holding it up to him and he agrees.

** 24th December **

This year we are doing Christmas again with both our families because it worked so well last time, and my parents have such a big house anyway. So we pack an overnight bag for the three of us and head over to my parents' house. Betty has gone home to New York for Christmas and won't be back before January second.

Kenzie comes out of the house to help Alex get stuff inside while I get Emilia in. She is a wiggly little girl today, so she is ready to be out of the car seat and down onto a blanket on the floor to get her wiggles out. She is wearing the red dress and white tights we got the other day and looks so cute. Before we left, we made sure to take some family photos together at the apartment, so we have some to look back on years from now.

A place in this world - peace series spin off - ellianas storyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora