school again

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**monday September 3rd – 2040** 8-week-old **

-ellies pov-

«Aaaaaa» Emilia coos after I finish feeding and burping her. «That's so good baby aaaaa» I coo her back. She is getting more vocal now, aaa and ooo are big in our house these days. It might sound stupid but it's actually so good because it means that she is on track development wise.

Alex comes and take her so I can finish getting ready. We are up bright and early today because its back-to-school time for us. Today I start my sophomore year of university and I'm excited for the classes my taking this fall.

I'm taking a dance class, a dance theory class, a criminal investigation class and a method of social research class. I'm not that exited for the method class, but it's a requirement to graduate so I just want to get it over with so I can take the more fun classes. I've already planned out the schedule for what I will take each semester up until I graduate so I can make sure I have enough credit. Actually, I will have more credit than required because with the way I have organized things I will be done with some of it early which means more electives.

I get dressed in a simple outfit, jeans and a sweater with simple Nike shoes. My belly has gone down a lot but there is still a little floppy belly there, but I have some jeans in a bigger size I got in the early days of my pregnancy that fits me now thankfully.

I've already had my 6 weeks post-partum appointment which went well. There aren't more bleeding going on, my stitches have dissolved and I'm healing nicely. I'm free to exercise again and have sex, but I haven't had sex yet. It's not that I don't want to, but people say that it hurts the first time, and I'm not ready for that right now. Not to mention that we have a baby in our room so the possibilities for sex are limited. I know we could put her in her crib during daytime naps, but I just like keeping her in her basinet since that's where she sleeps at night.

When I get into the living room to grab my bag Viviane is already there playing with Emilia on her tummy. «So there is plenty of milk in the freezer and some in the fridge» I tell her as I make sure I have my pump in my new backpack that's bigger than the one I had last year to make sure I have room for my pump and milk storage bags.

«Thats fine sweetie. You're doing good, I'm proud of you» she says as she sits next to Emilia who is on her tummy looking at a mirror of herself.

«You're a lifesaver for watching her. We are so thankful for that» I tell her, and she nods. For now, Viviane will watch her Monday, Wednesday and Friday while my mom will take the two other days. We have already started the process of getting the nanny we talked about, but we aren't getting anyone near our daughter before we are sure they are trustworthy. And when we hire a nanny, we also need to have a period of time where someone supervise her because I'm not just leaving my daughter with a stranger alone.

Alex comes with his bag too as I go over to say bye to Emilia. «Little missy. Please listen to grandma and be a good girl, okay? Mommy loves you so much and I will be back later for lots of cuddles and boob, okay? When I get home, you can have all the boob you want. Please be a good girl and take the bottle okay» I coo her. Before I had my own daughter I cringed when people coo their kids, it sounded so weird to me, but now I totally get it. When I talk with her, I coo her without even thinking about it.

«Be a good girl, daddy loves you too» Alex says and tickle her chin before we head out the door with Betty. I'm so nervous to leave her, it breaks my heart, but I know we need to get back to school.

«Don't stress Ellie. You're a good mom, I live with you, so I know. She will be proud of you when she gets older and realize that her mom is a badass that had her while she was a student» Betty says and pat my back as we head into Starbucks to get coffee and breakfast.

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