night changes

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**monday august 13th – 2040** 5-week-old **

-ellies pov-

"We're only gettin' older, baby
And I've been thinkin' about it lately
Does it ever drive you crazy
Just how fast the night changes?
Everything that you've ever dreamed of
Disappearing when you wake up
But there's nothing to be afraid of
Even when the night changes
It will never change me and you"

I sing to Emilia while she is resting against my legs in my lap. We can already tell that she loves music and likes it when she sings to us. Today I've been singing more than I usually do because whenever I do her little mouth turns into a cute baby smile.

"aren't you a little cutie" I coo her and tickle her chin making her gurgle. It's so cute that she is starting to make sounds too, baby sounds are adorable. I'm trying to soak up all the baby things I can because before we know it, she will be talking, walking and then go off into the world. I never want her to grow up, I want her to stay my little girl, but I'm also excited to see what kind of person she turns into.

«Hello» my mom says as she comes in the door with Kenzie behind her. They are babysitting Emilia for a few hours so Alex and I can have a date. As much as we want to spend every moment with our little girl, we also need some time to just be us too. Parenting is exhausting, so taking time for us is important.

«Hi mom, hi Kenzie. This little girl has just been feed and we have sung songs» I say as I hand her over to my mom. «Don't worry about her, we got her and you two go have fun» my mom says, and I go to get ready.

The date isn't something spectacular, we wanted to keep it simple but spend some alone time together. The plan is to get some food, eat it in the car and go for a walk in our favorite park. The park that has meant a lot to my family over the years. That's the park where my dad proposed to my mom, it's the park where we went right after the kidnapping trial to get away for a moment. Its special to us. Last week we took Emilia there too for the first time in her stroller, she slept soundly while we walked around.

«Ready Ellie? » Alex says as he comes out of the bathroom fully dressed. «Yeah, just going to throw on some clothes and I'm ready to go» I say and head into the closet. There is no need to Dress up, I'm just putting on some leggings a t-shirt with a cardigan over. Its august after all so it's still pretty warm around here.

«We are ready to leave now. Call us if you need anything or she gives you a hard time» I say as we walk into the living room all dressed to go. «We will be fine. You two have fun» Kenzie says «But not too much fun. One niece is enough for now» she says and wiggle her eyebrows.

«Kenzie. First of all, I'm not having another baby anytime soon, I'm getting back on birth control but a different kind. And I can't have sex for at least another week because of the stitching and glamorous bleeding going on. Not to mention that after you push a baby out of your vagina you don't want anything going up there again, trust me» I go on before everyone burst into laughter while Alex blushes. Having sex isn't even on my mind right now, I'm in no rush to do that again.


We drive by Taco Bell to get some lunch that we eat in the parking lot. «This reminds me of the good old days. Remember when we did this on our first valentines together. We say right here eating junk, but we also went home and had sex. No sex going on today» I say before taking another bite.

«It's crazy how much things have evolved over the years, but I feel closer to you than ever before. Not just because we have a daughter together but because we have grown up a bit more. We aren't teenagers anymore, we are adults that are starting on the glorious life of adulthood» he says, and I totally agree.

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